Chapter 19

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As Alcina and Emily both made it back to the castle they walked inside as the three girl appeared in front of them.

"What should we do with Emily's family?" Bela looks up at her, Emily knows that she has to erase their memories.

"I'm going to erase their memories and give them new ones. I don't want them to remember...or me in general!" Emily said, "Where are they?" she added.

The girls lead Emily and Alcina to the living room. As for Emily seeing her family still shaking with fear. Ashley looks up as she sees them walking in.

"Emily!" Ashley said with warmth in her voice as she hugs her sisters hip line.

"Hey bookworm!" Emily chuckles at her as tears were falling down her face.

Susie looks over as she sees her child talking to the tall begin. She had a disgusting look on her face.

"Emily? Is that you sweetie...what has happened?" Susie looks up and down at her.

Emily wipes away her tears very quickly, she walks over as she hugs her mother, her bother, Erick, sees his sister for the first time ever since they left.

"Did she do this to you!? You are a monster!" Susie directs her attention at Alcina and the girls!


Susie was confuse as she couldn't handle more problems. But Emily offer her and everyone else something.

"Listen I have abilities, I can do things that a normal human can't...if you like...I'll give you guys new memories of what has happened.." Emily asked before going any farther.

"What do you mean you have abilities? Like are you immortal?" Erick said as he walks over leaving Lindsay unconscious body on the couch.

Emily explains entire family history as she read from a book. Both Erick and Ashley were shocked as well as happy, and for Susie, she knew the family's old name but never knew that their descendants of the Bivtia's.

"So do we have abilities?" Ashley asked.

Emily shrugs her shoulders, she knew it was given as a gift but she didn't explain that it was given to her by Miranda's Cadou.

"Maybe...but now, I am going to replace this day with a new one! And I'll teleport you guys home..." Emily gathers her family together.

Then Lindsay started waking up, she sees Emily, then she screams, and Daniela quickly knocks her out with a small vase.

"Really Dani?" Bela and Cassandra said together.

"She was getting on my nervous! And besides Mother E, won't let me or you two kill her! So I did us a favor!" Daniela said as she across her chest as she smirks.

Emily chuckles as looks at her family one last time as she does something with her hands but Ashley and Erick both stopped her.

"Wait...we have a request!" They both said in unison.

They both came up and whispered something into her ear, Emily's face still remain the same as it was few minutes ago.
She nods as she continue with her work, and luckily Susie didn't pay attention as she wanted all this nightmare to go away.

Emily teleports her family home as they were unconscious, with new memories of this day and the first day in-counter...she cries as she said goodbye to them. Alcina hugs her tightly as she knows the feeling of losing family members...

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