Susie Willows

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Next morning everyone got up extremely later, after the lusting night. The Willows and the Dimitrescu family members all went down to the dinning room to have their brunch.

Emily sees her brothers with marks on their necks...even her step daughters had them too. What surprise her the most was Donna and Cassandra being a couple. She smiled hard, then Alcina sees it too as she knew that everyone had fun last night.

"'s everyone this morning slash noon?" Daniela asked, chuckles, and she sees her mother with marks on her neck.

"A little sore but overall...good." Alcina said as she had call her maidens to come in.

The family sees the maidens, were extremely tired as they had bags underneath their eyes. As usual but they had to listen the high class having fun.

~During Brunch~

Donna explained what she did, everyone around the table were shocked but they thanked her for reliving their stress after what happened. Then a maiden comes in as she tells them something.

"What is it maiden?" Alcina said a she sipped her brunch tea. Emily and everyone else all looked at her at once.

"Uhh...the mother of the Willows is here...she must speak to her children." The maiden said as her eyes were looking at the ground.

Emily, Erick and Theo all looked at each other...they quickly got up. Thoughts were going in their heads as they ran too the door, theo stayed behind Emily and Erick. He hasn't seen his mother after he left.

"Theo just stay behind us...let me and Erick deal with her." Emily tells him, Theo nods as Erick opens the door.

Emily hasn't seen her mother since the indecent, she made up a new memory where Emily joined a group with they had to get tattoos and change their hair color...basically like a gang...

"Emily...Erick...where's Ashley?" Their mother said, Theo wasn't afraid as he comes walking behind.

"Hi mom..." Theo said as she looks at this man that random said hi mom too.

She looks at her childern as they nodded their heads. Emily opens her mouth and close it as she tries to find the right set of words to explain to her about Ashley becoming Theo.

"Mom...I'm a transgender guy, I was confused at first on who I was, which is why I slept with Lindsay. But then I realize that I like women but I wasn't liking myself...I knew from a young age that I was different! Which is why I always wore guys clothes because I am a guy. My new name is Theo...Ashley's my dead name and I'm happy with my new life! And if you can't accept me for who I am...then you can disown me like Emily said before!" Theo lays it all out, Erick and Emily both were shocked that Theo came out on his own.

All four of them were silent. But their mother looked at all of her children.

"You shall not lie with a man, as with a women; it is an abomination, Leviticus 18:22" Susie said that and other quotes from the Bible. All three of them rolled their eyes as they stop her to stop talking.

"Mom can you just shut the fuck up!?" Theo yelled, "Quit with this bullshit Bible quotes! It's wrong and stupid! The Bible was written over and over again by ONLY MEN! And how the hell did you find this place!?" He asked her. Susie brings out stack of letters that Theo and Emily have been writing to each other.

(A/N: I swear I am not trying to attack anyone about religion! It's part of my creativity!)

Then the four Dimitrescu women and Donna all came out as they were getting concerned about the wait.

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