Chapter five

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Horiya landed hard on a branch.He had been a hair's breadth away from falling. It had been a month, but he failed to keep his mind from roaming and that caused him a hard time time. Lately the only reason for his troubles seemed to be the girl. Well he blamed her, but he couldn't stop thinking about her and he could not afford distractions. Well, it was better than thinking of things in the past.What he was doing was dangerous, but without concentration- it was deadly. Which was not so good, considering he was perched on top of a very tall tree. He examined the scrapes on both his of his hands - they weren't so bad. "Could have been worse."  He murmured to himself. Once again he looked out into the forest- scanning the trees that surrounded him, the ground underneath him, the sky above him. Horiya never hunted on a whim like most boys. Hunting was an art for him. He respected his prey as it was also a living being. He always made sure, that the death was quick and painless, because every living thing wanted to live. As he looked out something caught his eye. Someone was in the forest.

"Good gods," he huffed, exasperation coloring his tone.

Another  ingrate he had to save from themselves. At least Hoyaka had been grateful, he countered mentally. Then he sniffed irritably, there went that unwelcome distraction again.  What would it take to get this girl out of his mind?! Only Halita knew. It only stoked the burning irritation, when he noticed that, the unwelcome visitor was a drunkard-that too a very noisy one.

He patiently waited for him to go his way.  But unfortunately for him there was no game for the day. And it had been a while since he visited Halita's temple, besides he had nowhere else to be. So he made his way there.
It was getting dark and Horiya wasn't exactly paying attention. Instead he was thinking how easy it was now, to focus on something other than the past... well almost easy. His thoughts were put on hold when he heard drums and people singing. He had not been expecting to find anyone in the temple by this time of day. So he decided to go back to his hut instead. As Horiya was trudging his way back home, he saw the  sillhouette of a man hiding his face  with cloth.

Hoyaka: Legend of the forgotten kingdomWhere stories live. Discover now