Chapter Seven

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Hoyaka ran as fast as she could. The Asari* beast was chasing after her.... Wait a moment, Hoyaka thought, if she was running, should her leg feel as painless as it felt? And why was an Asari's beast chasing her. They were deadly to mortals, seeing one meant you were meant to die... Then realisation hit. This was a dream. But, still. It was very strange to think that she was being chased by an Asari, how had she come to the conclusion anyhow? She had only heard stories of it. That was strange...and a bit scary. It looked at her with hungry, green glowing eyes. Its hackles rose and it opened its maw. It let out a deafening roar and charged at her.Even though Hoyaka knew it was a dream, she still screamed. It's dark fur became a blur and before she could finish screaming, her dream cut off.

Again Hoyaka woke with a start. These days all her dreams were terrifying.She was all sweaty and clammy because of the nightmare and this had been going on for quite a while. The hut was so stuffy to her that she wasn't sure if she was even breathing. Not wanting to wake anyone (especially not aunt Amirah), she got up. Getting up and going to the kitchen hut was a slow and tedious task, as she did not want to possibly fall and undo the healing process.

"Hoyaka! What are you doing?!" exclaimed Ginta. The frown on her childlike face, could never make her look as serious as she was. Hoyaka shook her head at the thought and tried not to smile. She failed.

"It's nothing serious, I just wanted to get some air-"

"Don't start with me Hoyaka. You get enough air in your hut, now go back inside. If you know what's good for you." Ginta threatened, waving a stick in front of her for effect.
'But then I'll be lonely.'she whined. 'And besides, I came here to get make to eat-'

'We'll make it. Now get some rest.'Ginta cut her off.

Hoyaka just shook her head and obediently went back in her hut. Since there was nothing to do, Hoyaka could not fight against her drowsiness so she soon fell asleep again. As soon as she fell asleep, she lapsed into the same dream again.But the Asari's beast did not chase her the second time around. In her dream, she was kneeling before Halita's temple, with the Asari's beast rested beside her.Then there was a shower of white little balls of fuzz- dandelions, falling from the sky. She cupped her hands and closed them around three of of them.

As she was doing that, she heard something or someone approaching. When Hoyaka looked in the direction of the sound she saw Horiya. His eyes again held her attention, kept her pinned by the different flows that were hidden behind a scowl. She stood up and moved towards him then she touched his face. Something even more strange happened when she touched his face. It turned yellow-gold, then it flashed bright as the sun.

Hoyaka who was shielding her face, looked only to find that Horiya was gone. She bolted upright.
'What was that?' She whispered to herself. She didn't know why but she felt a strange urge to see Horiya all of a sudden.

Author's note:
Wow, I really don't know what to say! I never expected it to be the one doing all the writing instead of being the reader. But I've gotta say it's been a lot of fun of so far;) I hope you like it.

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