Chapter eight

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Hoyaka was afraid to open her eyes when she woke up. She lay there for a while warring with the thoughts that were running rampant in her mind. According to her sense of reasoning,(and anyone else's) humans did not fight -whatever that was and survive. Or did she just imagine it all? Yes, well maybe she did, she reasoned with herself ,eyes still closed.

She tried to smother the small voice in her head that told her she was not making any sense. She groaned out loud and huffed. She finally gathered the courage to open her eyes.

"Great Banu!" she exclaimed.

That she was not in her hut, was quite clear. This one was full of paintings. Paintings of their tribe's beliefs, their lives and so on. The creator god Hoya and the Azir ( an evil serpent who is constantly trying to cause destruction to mankind). They were neatly drawn on one half of the wall and weren't anywhere near finished. Hoyaka was lost in the beautiful tale of creation, how the gods each contributed to the way their lives are now, the way they co-existed, she mentally added the many human like traits they possessed that sometimes facilitated their doom. They were not immune to love, treachery, jealousy or any of those emotions.

There were drawings of the creator god, Hoya, fashioning mankind from the Great tree, the tree that was believed to have stemmed from the body of his fallen brother Banu, watered by Hoya's own tears. There was also depictions of their ancestors worshipping and paying tribute to the gods. These stories also acted as instructions for proper worship.

All these stories were not as captivating compared to the one similar to her dream. Two gods- brothers fighting for the right to rule whenever the great Hoya rests. It was a fight to rule, a struggle for power that lasted several years. The story was that after the two gods- Holisiga and Kēsin, were embroiled in the gruesome 7year war, the latter won. He then went on to be ruler. The brother however was banished for his many failed attempts of ending Kēsin's life. As to where he was banished to, well that was not easy to guess. Maybe to the under-world? It is where most gods went, because it was not easy to kill a god. They just reincarnated into another being.

Someone deliberately cleared their throat making Hoyaka yelp with fright. He stood in the door way to give her a chance to recover herself. Her heart was thumping uncontrollably in her chest.

"You should not even be looking at those, let alone be here." Said Horiya.

He went around fussing about the house, picking up scattered bowls of paint. Hoyaka noticed that he did not look her directly in the eyes at any point in time.

'Bless his heart, he is so shy.' she thought inwardly as she felt a smile forming. Hoyaka momentarily forgot about her apprehension and smiled at the scene before her.

"Hello. My name is Hoyaka."


Hoyaka: Legend of the forgotten kingdomWhere stories live. Discover now