Chapter six

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As Horiya was trudging his way back home, he saw the silhouette of a man in the shadows of the twilit sky. At first he just ignored it, thinking it was another unlucky fellow as himself who had failed to catch any prey. But then his head started buzzing.

That he was a man was irrefutable, he could see by the telltale build of his body, and the stance he used. As Horiya neared the stranger, he could tell that he was not entirely human- (a demon perhaps?). He knew who must have sent this man here. And he had no doubt the stranger was here to kill him. His senses buzzed almost uncontrollably, confirming the suspicion.
He was never wrong about such things. The stranger took off his cloak and threw it to the ground. His eyes were an unseemly bright red, his hairy body was full of scars. From the looks of it, he had seen many battles and he must be quite powerful for them to bother sending him down here.

"You're Horiya?" the creature asked arrogantly. It looked him up and down as if it was assessing it's target then scoffed. Horiya wasn't thrilled by that. Why were all of them always so cocky?

'Oh well,' he chuckled. 'I don't know what they were thinking, sending me here, but a job is a job.' he drawled as if he was already bored. This bugged Horiya to no end.

Horiya braced himself and prepared to charge his enemy. He propelled himself towards the demon just as it flew towards him in full fury.
The demon cleared out of Horiya's way and he hit nothing but air.

His eyes roved wildly, searching for his opponent, and he found him in enough time to dodge his blow. But that was not enough to dodge the elbow that smashed into his midriff. The air wooshed out of him as the pain seared through him. He let out a stream of curses when the demon connected a volley of fists to his jaw. He did not make the mistake of underestimating his foe, once more.He tried fighting back but it was quite a powerful demon and he would surely die if he did not turn the tables in this fight.
The battle was quite well lost for Horiya, who had accepted his fate as Hoya's bidding. He was about to admit defeat when some foolish girl started screaming, startling the demon-man.
Both men snapped their heads in the girl's direction and her scream cut off. Horiya used this chance to stab the warrior's heart, knowing very well it would kill him instantaneously.It was more effective than slitting his throat.
The creature gurgled and started sputtering, he fell to his knees and coughed an obscene amount of blood.
He started swiping his claws at the air blindly trying to attack a foe he was too far gone to see. Horiya watched him struggle for a little while, before the demon finally went silent. The former warrior's corpse burst into flames and vanished. It was like it had never existed, yet the girl had seen it.The girl who was supposed to be screaming her head off, but was eerily quiet... He deigned to look her way and found her slumped on the ground- fainted. That however, was not the surprise; he recognised the girl. "Hoyaka?"

Author's note
Hey guys! Another chapter done.

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