Chapter three

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Horiya ran as fast as he could. A pain-filled shriek had pierced the silence. It was coming from the direction of the surrounding bushes, but a little bit behind him. He ran into a quite spacial thicket,he did not even have to look  around for the source of the sound.  When he slowed, for the first time in his life, he was truly out of air. The girl on the ground was a sight to see. Her big brown eyes looked warm (considering how wide they were with fear ) despite being tear-streaked. She looked very much frightened, whether or not it was of him, he would not think about that. Her hair was quite long and very shiny; Horiya was sure it must have been the subject of many envious girls' dreams. Wait, what in the gods would he know about what girls liked?  Not that he was completely clueless or celibate, but it got harder to be sociable when everyone was scurrying away from him like a deadly disease. Girls even more so.

'Not that I care' he grumbled lowly so that only he could hear.

He tried looking away- from her shapely heaving breasts, but her petite curves did not help. Instead he stared at her broken leg. The animal trap had done a great job of almost breaking it. Luckily it had only broken skin, not bones. The bruise was an unpleasant darkish blue- not good at all. It made a bad contrast against her milky brown skin....he thought but soon he shook off that mentality.

'What in hell is wrong with me?' He had to take her home.

Horiya knelt by her side, silently asking for permission to help the girl. Horiya brought his pouch up front and smeared his herbs on the wound.He tried wrapping up the wound as best as he could. The girl was brave, not once did she cry out ( though tears were streaming endlessly down her cheeks).Quietly he offered his hand. He never uttered a word to anyone other than the warrior goddess, Hitali in the temple.

The girl hesitated for a while she seemed to be assessing him, it made him uncomfortable. The first time he felt so in years. Finally, after a while, she gave him her hand. As soon as he allowed himself a proper look at the girl, he realised that he recognised her. She was another village favourite, probably a brat too when no one was looking. She was named after one of the the great creator gods, Hoya.

Her parents were devotees, surely. He could tell by the type of clothing she was wearing, ri As he carried her home, he noticed the band around her waist. Only devotees of Hoya could wear it. As soon as he stepped into the yard of that house, a man(the head of the house, he assumed) came out...

Author's note:
Oh lord. So Hoyaka got hurt huh... What will her aunt have to say about that? Don't forget to vote and comment I would love to hear your theories.(•‿•)

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