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Adam Scott looked at the closed coffin,trying to ignore the rain. They were playing Christ songs in the background. He knew they were meant to help,he felt worse,every verse crushing him more and more into the ground.

He remembered distinctly when his mother got the phone call from Mia's dad. They told his mother that he died from blood loss and it was at that moment they knew it. He was the breadwinner of the family and they were now completely broke.

His body was now completely buried and the distant family members slowly left,one by one,they disappeared. They took a cab home,still wet from the rain. Adam thought what was left,and there was nothing he could see in the future.

He stepped out the cab and opened the door for his weak mother. She was completely torn and was crying rivers. They arrived at the door and she fell to the ground. The eviction note was blood red and Adam read it out loud just to be sure. They have to leave in the next 24 hours.

Adam took out and his mother's scarf and wrapped her around it. "Maybe you should call someone,we need somewhere to think,for now,Ma."


Someone answered their call,an old friend of hers,Debbie. A landlady of a reasonable double-story house with some free rooms. She arrived with her purple car,it was not showy but it got the job,a wagon compared to the other sports cars at the shore.

They drove silently across the foggy streets. Debbie stared sweetly through the mirror. Adam tried to ignore her eyes while staring at the bland houses and people,all meaningless to him.

They arrived at the house and went inside to the warmth. Adam sat in the living room,unsure what to do with his life,while Debbie and his mother spoke to each other out of his ear range. A girl in her right denim and crop top,almost everything showing,sat down. She starred at Adam for a while and then asked what his names his. He answered and she said,"Alright,Adam. I'm Jenny,as you can see I'm living here 'cause I ain't got no money and life is shit. I'm betting you got a few bucks,so hoe about helping a friend. I'll give ya what ya want." She took of her pink croptop and showed her luxurious tits.

Adam looked back at his mother and they were still talking.He said,"Put them away,I'm not giving you money. I have other things on my mind." He couldn't help but resist a wild girl with no self-respect. He was dealing with something and hated Jenny outright.

After a while,his mother came up to him,Jenny was gone,and said",I'm leaving for a while to Alabama to get a job,you'll stay here from now on and please,protect yourself." She left the doors with her bags in hand. Adam waved goodbye as he had no choice but to begin a new chapter.

Jenny held his shoulder and said,"She'll be back,in the mean time it's back to school for you. I haven't told you this before but I'm a pornstar so don't try any funny business if you don't have cash." Adam was hopeful now,with the way things started,he found a future. Going to prom,getting good grades and getting laid with the girl of his dreams. Adam looked forward to the summer.

A few weeks later.

It's monday morning and Adam gets up for school. He has enjoyed living here,it's closer to his school and closer to his friend's houses. He watches Mia through his telescope but it didn't interest him that much,she always changed with her blinds closed.

He walked to the bathroom and someone was already in there but the door was cracked. He took a peak curiously and it was Jenny taking a slow bath. Her breasts were covered with soap but the opening between her legs were right at his face. He never caved into her body but Adam looked down and he had a tent in his pants. He seems to hate Jenny a bit less.

He escaped to his room before anyone saw his mountain peak and releaved himself. Moving his hand up and down,stroking it to the left and to the right,until a great feeling filled his dick,releasing the juices. He knew he hated her but she was a hot girl,no less.

Author's note:

If you're younger than 18,read knowing that this shit is not real.
If you're younger than 14,get yourself a counselor.

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