Parlour 2

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Adam woke up and realized what happened last night. He fought with Mia and totally forgot about Eve's poster for the tattoo parlour. He rushed out of the house and went straight for Tony's Pizzaria.

He opened the door and the place smelt amazing. It was the same as always. The annoying families,Tony shouting at the customers and his hot wife,Maria,at the oven,usually with a hand print on her ass.

"Hey,Adam,my boy,it's so good to ya,"Tony called him from across the room.

"Maria,come over here,Adam is back. You're just the guy I want to see."

"Really?,"Adam replied.

"Yes,you nucklehead."

"Well,I came to print some posters,like around 200."

"No problem,boy,anything for my close friend's son."

Maria escorted Adam to the printer. She plugged it in. Adam caught a glance at her world,she wore nothing but that red dress. Maria saw his jaw drop and smiled.

"There you go,Adam. Why don't you come talk to Aunty Maria for a bit."


Tony gave his customer his order and sat next Maria. Adam was staring at a portrait of Tony,Maria and his dad. He mostly was looking at it because of Maria.

"Listen here,boy. You're like a nephew,it's like we're family,right? And families help each other,right?Well,I'm gonna ask you for a huge favour with a huge reward,of course."


"Maria and I have been trying to start a family for a while now. I know we're kinda old but the doctors said it's fine. Except for one thing."


"Well,Maria is healthy as a horse. But I ain't. I'm shooting blanks here. I ain't got no seed no more and I want a family real soon. We've been looking for sperm donors but them clinics freaks me out. So,how about you be our donor and ,in return,when we settle down you can take the shop for me."

Adam was speechless. He smiled and rubbed his forehead,glancing at the smiling Maria.

"Well,what do you think?"

"I see no problem in it."

"Oh!Thank you so much,my boy. Listen,come back tomorrow and we'll do this thing. In the meantime,you can work here."

"Thanks Mr. Tony,you're too kind."

He left with the posters and gave them to Eve at the shop. Grace was so excited,she never advertised before. Odette was asleep after her usual midnight rave. One by one,they hung the posters across the neighborhood.

The Next Day.

Adam woke up and looked at his phone. He had second thoughts now. He would have a child that wasn't his. He thought he should reject it all. He looked at his messages. Tony sent him a photo. It was Maria's open legs,no apron,no lace underwear.

He arrived at the shop,ignoring all the signs to say no. He toke a viagra tablet and walked inside. The 'closed' sign was on. No one was around and the ovens were off. Tony came from the corner.

"Hey,just the guy I wanna see. Did you receive my text? Pretty good,right."

"Yeah. So what do I do now?"

"Just tell me when you're ready and we'll walk inside,"Tony said as he looked at Adam head to toe,"I guess you're already hard,eh! Let's go."

Adam undressed and put a towel around his torso. Tony opened the door and he gulped. She layed there completely naked on the bed. Rose petals and candles,that was the atmosphere.

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