Break-up 1

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The room was silent,except for the faint moans from the bathroom. Adam wrote cautiously,trying to forget his recent escapades,with Maria and Eve. He couldn't help but think about their juicy thighs and lucious lips. He finished his exam and was confident he did well. Adam walked out of the room,rock hard. One more exam left.

He heard a voice calling for his name. She tapped his shoulder and to his dismay,it was Mia.

"Hey,Adam,how have you been doing?"

"Good. You."

"Not so good. Look,Adam,we need to tal-"

"No,we don't. I'm done with you. I'M SICK OF YOU USING ME!"

"I know it seems that way but I truly care for you. I love you,Adam."

"You know,I really wanna believe that but I know you don't. All you wanna do it make you're boring fucking life...interesting. Goodbye,IT'S OVER!"

"Fine,I'll be waiting for you though."

Adam stormed out with a couple people turning their heads. He stared out to the sun and apreciated the warmth. He was distracted by someone sobbing. He looked around and at the bottom of the school stairs was,Roxxy,holding her test papers.He stepped down the stairs cautiously.

Adam said,"Hey,um,Roxanne. What's wrong?"

"What do you want loser."

"I'm worried about you that's all. What happened?"

"Well, I failed quite a few exams and I broke up with Derrick. I told him I needed to concentrate on school and he thought I was ignoring him. We had a big fight and that asshole hit me."

"I think you made the right choice. He was bad news to begin with."

Adam sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Roxanne,you need to forget about that prick and focus on the last exam."

"How can I do that when I've got so many issues. I DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT SCHOOL!"

"I learnt something a while ago. S.S.D.D."

'What the fuck those that mean?"

"Same shit different day."

"So relatable."

"Listen,Roxxy. Everything that's happening right now,is relatable. You just need some serious help. So,how about we study together and help you graduate?"

"Wow,sounds good,lose-...I mean Adam."

"I'll meet you at your place tonight."

Adam stood up and waved goodbye. Roxanne knew this was the perfect oppurtunity to get her life back and to get her boyfriend back. She had it all served to her when he said hello.

"Hey,Adam. Thanks a lot. I'll make it up to you."

That night.

Adam walked up to her cozy home,with the forest just behind. He knocked on the door and waited for a second. The door suddenly opened and Roxxy was in her underwear.

"Glad you could make it,Adam."

"Glad to be here."

She walked him to her room and he could'nt help but stare at her slightly red,plump buttcheeks.

"Where's everyone?"

"My parents went off for the weekend. They're probably fucking as we speak."

"Good to know."

Adam wrote for a long time,all the notes Roxxy needed. He was almost done it was dark out.Roxanne walked in with beers.

"Here,for your troubles."

"Thanks. I'm done now,basically. All you have to do is study."

"Relax,I've got some time to spare.Let's have some fun."

She knew trouble was going to start,Derrick was going to visit her tonight. She could'nt wait for her plan to begin.

The beer went down fast and they began to get tipsy. They joked and laughed,sometimes fslling over at the same,which,made them laugh even more. Derrick,pulled up as planned. He suspected that Roxxy's parents would be home. He stood by her window and watched them closely with a camera in hand. He was jealous of Aadam and decided to ruin his life. He also knew that he was smitten with Eve.

"Hey,Adam,thank you again. I think i might actually graduate now. I'm so happy right now."

"Me too,happy to help,'Adam replied. Roxxy was ready to put her plan into place. She would make Derrick crawl back to her using Adam's dick.  She bent over and kissed him on the lips,tongue included. Adam couldn't think straight,he drank to much,so,he didn't push her cherry lips away. He grabbed her back and held her close as their tongues locked. Derrick started recording.

Roxanne shoved the empty bottles out of the way and took out her crop top. Adam took out his shirt and shorts and his lean body was ready for Roxxy. She bent down and made her lips wet. She gobbled down on his dick and pulled his balls down. She went back and forth. She jerked him off,while Adam took out the rest of her clothes. Adam layed flat,rock hard. She went down and gave him head again. She descended until she began to choke. She coughed up some cum. She took in a deep breath and went back down. Adam played with her lush blonde hair.

Adam rubbed his eyes and looked at Roxxy's naked body. He couldn't help but feel guilty. Adam realised that he has to be loyal to someone special. Someone who he drank beers with. They laughed and cried with each other and he was throwing all of it away as soon as Roxxy sits on his dick. Roxxy smiled as she held his dick in place,she waited for him to turn his head.

"Adam,what's wrong?"

"Everything. We shouldn't be doing this."

"Why not? You're being very helpful right now. This is my way of thanking you."

"Didn't you just break up with your boyfriend? You still have feelings for him,don't you?"

Roxxy smiled nervously as she looked to her left. Adam stared into her now untrusting eyes. He knew it at that moment. He fell into a trap. All of a sudden,they heard a hard thump from outside. Roxxy and Adam rushed outside. They flung the door the open. Derrick's car was about to leave. Roxxy ran in front of the car and hit the bonnet,demanding answers. Derrick reluctantly stepped out.

"What the fuck,Derrick. Were you recording us?!"

"Basically. I sent the video of you two fucking to Eve. Let's see how she likes that."

Adam shouted," What the hell! We didn't!"

"Then,why is my girl's hands around your dick,"Derrick grunted as he grabbed Adam. He started punching and Adam fell to the floor. 

"Derrick,stop! Haven't you hit enough people for one day."

Derrick stopped,those words hit his heart. He turned around and looked at Roxxy with guilty eyes. Adam rubbed the blood out of his face. He felt a bit dizzy and he could only see them talking but he couldn't hear.

He stared and stared as the rain poured. They ended up hugging,they seemed happy. They used his life to build theirs and now things are probably over with Eve. Adam sighed and grabbed his things and left. By the time he said goodbye,they already kissed.

And just like that,for the second time,Adam was used by a hot girl in the hot girl summer.

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