Parlour 1

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Friday night.

It was the same old,same old. He would go to school,greet the ones that existed in his life,get bullied by the common asshole and make his way home. Although,a quick turn of events changed his routine a bit but gradually it went back to the same old,same old.

He finally arrived at school,rather late,luckily he was excused by the gorgeous Ms. Dewitt ,the french french teacher,delicious in her own foreign way. Across Adam's table was  his first,Mia. On the other side was his old friend,Eve. Behind was Erik and at the front with a lollipop in her cherry lips,Roxxy.

Adam spoke to Mia for a while,discussing the events of last night. She seemed more happy than usual. He found a common ground with her,they both wished to leave their battles behind and start anew. It was only a matter of time until they live blissful lives. He couldn't help but stare her up and down.

Adam felt a tap on the shoulder,he turned and it was Eve. She wore the usual but her neon purple and slightly blonde hair made her stand out.

"Hey, Mr. Boner. Don't forget about tonight."

"I won't."

The bell rang behind them and it was time for the most tedious lesson,gym class. It was a tough session for everyone,although,quite a show for the guys,not forgetting that they shower together. It made the girls sweaty and mad but the guys were horny and happy.

Adam pulled through it and found his way to the bathroom, jam packed as always. He noticed Derrick at the corner of his eye,he knew what was next. The football players were the most straight gay guys ever. The towel pull and tug was a classic. They pulled his maroon towel away,an tugged his foot. Adam fell straight onto the wet floor. They laughed hard ,even more when Derrick's towel was pulled down.

Eve stood behind smiling so innocently. She held his towel in her hand and exposed his joints. They were laughing because it was smaller than an average guy. Much smaller. It looked like a walnut in a way. It made people wonder what he does with Roxxy. The attention was no longer on Adam but now on Derrick's microscopic penis.

Eve picked Adam up and gave him his towel.

"Here you go. I guess Derrick will back a little now that he knows that Adam Scott has a bodyguard."

"A sexy one,no less."

They both laughed. Adam felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He won't be bothered at school,all thanks to Eve. He couldn't help but wonder what his situation was with Mia.

They arrived at the lab with Ms. Akino preparing for an experiment. Ms. Akino put Mia and Adam together as lab partners. Mia was silent,which is weird to Adam. She always have something to say or explain. Adam decided to break the ice.

"So,Mia. How are you feeling?"

"Much better. What we did was amazing. I can't wait to do something like that again. I made an appointment at Sugar Tats."

"Cool. I can't wait to see it."

The door opened and the class paused and started again. Erik took of his apron and put on his lab coat,in his own fashion. He grabbed a stack of leaflets and distributed it.

He gave one to Adam and Mia. It read:

You are invited to Somerville's High Annual Prom night.

We are back again with this classic bash. Grab a partner and party the night. At the end of it all,we gladly announce prom king and queen.

You can vote for king and queen,just consult Annie and remember you can only vote once.

Dress code: Anything goes but nothing too lewd.

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