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3 Weeks later.

Adam looked out through the window,waiting for her taxi.He sat and awaited for hours. He wondered why she is taking so long. I gave her enough cash,he thought,then,he heard the car. He ran down the stairs and hugged his mother. That night,they all was getting ready for dinner. Debbie and his mother talked and talked,Jenny was absent,it was her new recording session. Adam invited Eric over. He hasn't spoken to his best friend in a while,or anyone for that matter.

"So,Adam how's things with you and the pizzaria?"

"Everything is going very well,I made my mother quit her job and soon we'll move to a nice house in Somerville. How is you?"

"Good,actually. I finally asked out June to be my prom partner. We gonna bone. How about you,do you have a date? The prom is this weekend. Roxxy broke up with Derrick completely and Mia's parents decided to stay together."

Adam sighed.

"No,not really. I'm not going."

"And why the hell not?,"Adam's mom complained.

"I just have no reason to go."

"Adam,you've been missing from school for so long and then you start working at the Pizzaria.Your friends miss you,try an make some final good memories."

"Your mom has a point,"Eric added.

"Fine then."

Night at Prom.

Adam arrived with Eric and June,everyone was drunk,couples kissing and fucking in the transperent bushes. Adam felt nervous and a bit out of place,Eric and June locked necks.Helena by My Chemical Romance was playing.Adam toke a walk to the drinks. He saw packs of beers and picked his favourite,the one he drank with Roxxy and Eve. He grabbed one but someone grabbed the same one. He looked up and saw Eve staring,shocked.

He took another one and quickly got out of that situation.Unfortunately,he sped walked into Mia.



"How are you?Long time no see."

"Yeah....got busy."

"Cool. I assume you already know my parents are not moving out of town."

"Eric told me. Where's your date?"

"Don't have one. I came here hoping...."

"Well,my situation is complicated. I haven't decided on how I feel yet."

"Okay,I'll be waiting for an answer."

Adam stepped out quickly and chugged down his beer,carefully not messing his Dad's black tuxedo. Eric stood next to him. A car arrived and it was Roxxy's limo. She stepped out with her dashing white dress. The boys drooled over her but she ignored all of them. As she walked past Adam,she grazed his face and smiled. Adam was stunned. She disappeared into the crowd. Adam looked back and Eve left with her bicycle.

"Wow,she totally wants you plus she doesn't have a date."

"I don't know,man. I'm mixed with my emotions."

"Who are your options?"

"Roxxy,Mia and Eve."

"If I was you,I would choose the one who I bonded with the most. The one that knows who you are.The one you'd go out of your way for."


"Holy crap! I know who it is! Give me your car keys now."

Adam jumped into the car and raced for the tattoo parlour. He rushed past other cars and began to cry. He knew what he wanted at that moment. She never loved anyone else. She gave him her virginity. They drank beers together. She always protected him. EVE WAS THE ONE.

He stopped at the parlour,the tires skidded on the tar. The door was wide open. He ran up the stairs.Eve could hear him coming. He went into her room and no one was there. He went out to her balcony. He heard screams from below,his body froze. He looked down. Eve lied on the ground around a pool of blood.

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