The Bathroom

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Adam arrived at the doorsteps of Somerville High. He thought for a moment,if he walked in now,he can never go back. His life could change dramatically,for better or for worse. All he knew was that he had a lot of things to catch up with,like the latest news on his best friend,Erik who walked towards him.

"Hey,long time no see,Adam. Sorry about your dad. I can only imagine,"Erik said.

"It's okay,I'm coping. I want to know what's up with you. Anything different with you."

"Not much. Gaming as usual. I'm trying to get with June."

"Still gotta a crush on her?"

"Yeah,she's just my type. My only type. How about you and Mia?"

"I live right there but I just didn't have the strength to get back in the dating scene."

"Well,here she comes."

"Hey,Adam. Good to see you again,"Mia said as she walked towards them.

"Nice to see you too,neighbour."

"It's awesome that you live right next door. Maybe,you should come over some time and study with me."

"Sure,anytime Mia."

She walks away and peeks a look at Adam.

"Hey,Adam. She is checking you out."

"C'mon Erik,I told you I'm still warming up to high school."

"Let's go in. We got Athletics."

They walked in and changed into their gym clothes in the bathroom. A sign was up and it was very directed:

Sorry for the inconvenience.

There is plumbing and lighting issues in the female bathroom,that is why the girls shall now dress in the men's bathroom. Now,we forsee issues with the girls dressing up in front of the guys. We ask of the girls and guys to be mature and understand the problem. Let us avoid any touching and molesting in the bathroom. RCL Representative Annie will guard the bathroom for behaviours against code of conduct.

You have been warned!

Adam and Erik kept their eyes on their own junk and went on the fields. After a while of practicing and training,it was shower time. Adam took a late shower when the place was quiet. His shower ran low and he washed his sweaty body. Another shower came on and to Adam's shock,it was Roxanne,Cheerleader Captain and the hottest girl in the school.

She was completely nude,washing her huge breasts under the steam. Adam couldn't help but look. His heart rate began to rise and his body felt hotter. Before he knew it,his dick was standing. Another shower came on,it was Derrick,Roxanne's unfortunate boyfriend. Not the smartest and dick,not the biggest. He groped Becky and kissed her neck.

"Not now,Derrick."

Derrick stepped away from Becky and stood behind Adam,Becky continued to shower.

"I see you're peeking at something that's not yours. You read the sign,right. Then,what the fuck you staring at?"

"I wasn't staring,Derrick."

He pointed at Adam's groin and said",Why you got a boner,then?"

"It happens."

Derrick swang his fist at Adam,the effort sent him to the ground. Someone opened the door. Everyone looked at her and she smiled devilishly. Eve twisted her towel and stung Derrick on his thigh. Once,then again,and again. His whole leg was red now. He dared to hit Eve,but Roxanne was watching. Eve lifted Adam up and pulled him aside.

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