An Early Present

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Here's the long awaited sequel enjoy. 

My mind was raising with questions. What happened last night? Why am I here? Where's my sister. My train of thought was interrupted by Stefan's voice coming from the front of the car. "Isabella are you ok?" I gave him a blank stare. What did he want me to say, 'no Stefan where the hell are we? why am I here and where on earth is my sister?' 

Looking over at him again I noticed he had genuine concern in his eye's and I knew now wasn't the time to go into a full blown rant. "No what happened?" He faced seemed to soften and had a sad look to it. "Isabella I believe you may have to wait a bit for specifics, but for now be rest assured you are perfectly safe here." I heard Klaus say from the drivers seat.  

"And where is here exactly." I could hear klaus chuckling in the front when he said "do you want to tell her or should I?" Stefan gave a sigh then answered. "Ok Isabella don't freak out, but we're only four miles away from Tennessee." Anxiety started to build in the pit of my stomach. Tennessee that hours away from Mysticfalls. 

I could feel the car starting to slow down and turned my head to look out the window. We had pulled up to a hotel. Klaus got out the car and sped round to my door and opened it for me. "Here we go." I ignored him and started making my way out of the car. When I was finally on my own two feet I started to feel light headed and my legs felt stiff and heavy beneath me. I fell back which left me in an unwanted position with klaus. If he let go of me now I would just fall straight to the floor. So with a sigh of annoyance from me I allowed klaus to walk me to the door.

We entered through the front door and went to the reception. "I can walk now." I said practically pulling myself out of Klaus' grip. I stood out of the way beside Stephan as we waited for Klaus to come back from the front desk.

It didn't take him long and when he came back he held one hand out to me with a keycard. "Here's your key love. Now let's be off shall we." We started walking towards the stairs and walked up until we came to the second floor. We came to a corridor with around five rooms Klaus walked me and Stephan over two doors side by side and pointed me to one room while him and Stephan went to the other. 

I opened the door and walked in. The room was probably large enough for at least two people. In the center of of the wall on my right was a double bed with two bedside tables on either side of the bed. On my left stood a door which I'm guessing led into the bathroom. I walked further into the room. Standing in the center I noticed a vanity table and mirror and right in front of me was a door that led out onto a balcony. 

I walked over to the door and opened it and went out onto the balcony. The cold air instantly hit me, but it didn't bother me as much as it helped calm me. I felt something ping in my pocket and I instantly knew what it was. I put my hand into my jeans pocket and pulled out my phone. I had hoped that it was a text or something like that, but it was only a notice. 

I went onto my videos and put the last one I had on. Whilst watching it I could hear someone enter my room and was walking over to where I was on the balcony. I kept watching not wanting to now who it was. They stopped just behind me. "Hey Isabella." I knew then that it was Stephan.

"What are you watching?" I turned the phone so we could both see what was on the screen. I noticed his face scrunch up in confusion so I decided to explain what it was. "When it was the school dance and you left with my sister I went back to the gym. We were about to leave, but Dana said Klaus had a request for me to sing. Obviously at the time when I told Klaus that I liked to sing I didn't know it was him. Well Caroline took this." I gave him the phone so he could have a look.

He didn't say anything until the video ended and he just stared up at me. "I didn't know you could sing." I took the phone out of his hands as I awkwardly said "Yeah well we're not exactly friends." When I had my phone back I heard someone clear their throat from behind us. "It was quite the night wasn't it and your performance love well that was quite the spectacle."

Klaus motioned for Stephan to leave and after a quick glance at me he left the room, leaving me with Klaus. He came over and stood beside me. "I see one of your friends filmed the performance." I didn't look at him as I answered. "Yes." I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was smirking, then his hand came up and grabbed my chin. 

He lifted my head up so I was now looking rite into his ocean blue eye's. What I thought was a smirk before was actually a genuine smile. "I meant what I said Isabella it was a great performance." 

I moved my head so he was no longer holding my chin as I said "why did you even want me to sing that night." He turned so he was now looking over the forrest just as I was. "Let's say curiosity." I couldn't help the faint smile that came to my face, I only hope that Klaus hadn't noticed. 

"I am also curious now. What else can you sing." I turned to him and gave him a look that said 'really'. He only smirked, so I decided there was no harm in answering. "If you must know I do like to sing the occasional phantom of the opera song. Not that I'm any good at it." Klaus didn't seem to believe me and said "come on love I'm sure you a great Christine Déaa." I gave a scoff to that. "come on sing for me." 

I turned away and started walking back. "I'm not going to sing for you Klaus I'd rather anything else to do, so can we just drop the subject." He nodded and started walking in after me. "Very well beside I have something for you." He grabbed my hand and started walking me out of the room and into his.

When we got inside I noticed Stephan wasn't there and guessed he probably went out to feed. Klaus walked me over to a pile of bags and pulled a rather large one out and handled it over to me. I just started at it. "Well go on open it." I did as he said and what I saw inside shocked me. I pulled it out as I said "how did you get this?" In my hand was my gothic castle painting from school.

I turned my head up to give him a questioning look. "When I left you during the dance I went into the art room and found your painting so I took it with me."  I gave him another questioning look. "So you stole it from school. Why are you even giving it to me?" He smirked and said "one: It's yours and two: Stephan had told me it was your birthday soon so I thought that this and a few paints and brush's would make for a good present."

I was honestly shocked by this. How did Stephan know it was my birthday? Why would Klaus get me a present? If I thought about it I could answer my first question. My sister had probably told him. Even though we weren't related mine and Elena's birthday's were only a few day's apart.

I stared at Klaus for a few more seconds before saying "thank you Klaus. Thats.....that's really nice of you. Thanks." I kept hold of the bag as I left his room and went back to mine so I could get some sleep and think over what's happened to my family.

A\N Hi guy's I'm finally back and here's the long awaited sequel I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Just know that I am back in school so updates won't be as frequent as they once were. Don't forget to vote and comment.                         

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