I'm A Tribrid?

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We had been here all of five minutes and already Klaus was acting like he owned the place, siting with his legs spread over a log with Stefan sat beside him. However I just stood off to the side not wanting to be involved in a mass genocide of a wolf pack. 

I wasn't paying attention being caught up in my own thoughts but that ended once I heard a large gasp coming from the guy's direction. I ran over worried Klaus had killed yet another wolf but found Ray instead sitting up and gasping for air. "Excellent timing ray. Very dramatic." 

I stood there and watched as Klaus motioned for Stefan to speak. "Are any of you human, your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition into becoming a vampire." Stefan then started looking around with a threatening look marrying his face. "If he doesn't get it he will die." I step forward knowing that if someone else did it wouldn't just be a little blood. 

"Just use me." Klaus stood slight fear on his face but it was gone in seconds. "It's not your turn to give blood yet love." Confusion immediately grabbed hold of me, what does Klaus mean by not yet was he going to use me as blood bag in the future. 

By the time I had once again gotten out of my thoughts a man was on the floor with a bite on his wrist and Ray was no where to be found and neither was Stefan. "Love why don't you come sit whilst we wait." Being bored of standing I decide to just comply as I'm sure Klaus, just like me couldn't be bothered arguing. 

"So Isabella are you finally going to stop this petty silent treatment." Begrudgingly I answered. "The only reason I'm talking to you now is because you actually decided to use my name." Instead of annoying klaus like I hoped my comment would, it just caused his signature smirk to appear. "Well if that's all it takes I suppose I can take a breath break with my little pet name." 

I just huffed at the overwhelming amount of smugness that was coming from Klaus. "Come on Isa can't you just enjoy our time together, like when I visited you at the cliff side." I huffed again in annoyance, but smirked at the nickname. "Well that was before you and Stefan decided to kidnap me and drag me along on your joy ride." I said sarcasm consuming my last words. 

Klaus turned his head to face me and gave me a rather amusing look. "What would you say if I said I just wanted the opportunity to spend time with you." Against my better judgement I couldn't help but laugh at the puppy face he was giving me. "I'd say there are much better and less drastic ways to go about it." He shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps." A smirk once again returned to his lips. 

Suddenly Klaus stood walking into the group of frightened wolves, who had just been idly  standing by during our conversation. "Klaus please don't hurt anyone else, they don't deserve it." Klaus turned back to me a look in his eye's I could not place. "I never said they deserved think of it as more of a gift than anything else, and this is the perfect opportunity to test a theory both me and Elijah had before I daggered him." My eye's widen at this piece of information, I hadn't known Elijah long, but I did enjoy the vampires company. 

"You did what?" Klaus came back ver to me and took my hand in his. "Not central to the story Isa, but yes I daggered him, don't worry he's quite alright." he walked us both back over to the wolves and lifted his other hand to point at one of them. "You wolf girl, why don't you come over here." I could see there fear in her green eye's and hoped Klaus wouldn't do what I thought he was going to. 

The girl couldn't have been much older than me with pale skin, big green eye's and mousy brown hair. She came and stood infront of me and Klaus the fear still radiating off of her. "And what might your name be love?" The girl answered keeping a straight face in spite of Klaus presence. "Eden." Klaus released my wrist and took a step closer over to Eden. "Well Eden, I need you to help me test a little theory I have about my girl here." 

'HIS GIRL' My whole life it had never been common for me to become, how do I put it, enraged, but Klaus had been one of the very few people who had achieved that goal. I was about ready to shout saying I wasn't his anything, but before I could Klaus took my hand and a small switch blade from his pocket. "Klaus what are you doing?" I struggled against his hold, but wasn't strong enough pull away. "Sorry Isa, this may hurt a bit, but it will heal soon." Then he brought the blade across my palm and sliced a thin line across. 

"Now eden I want you to drink a bit of her blood, can you do that for me." Eden looked confused and terrified at this point, probably fearing what klaus had in store for her and so did I. Knowing she didn't have any real choice Eden brought my palm to her mouth and drank what little she could. Seconds later klaus released my hand and when I looked there was no wound to be found.  

'How?' I thought, but was quickly distrusted as I heard the whipping of the wind and found Klaus speeding to Eden's side and snapping her neck. "No." I shouted as I ran to the girl's limp corpse. "Klaus, why would you?" I looked own at her body tears almost threatening to spill. "Don't worry Isa if I'm right, which I'm quite sure I am, she's merely taking a little nap and will be up in no time." 

I looked down at the girl again and my hatred for klaus had begun to boil. Not only had he killed my aunt and sister but now an innocent girl and God knows how many more were to follow. 

Ten minutes had passed and Klaus had made his way through the pack feeding and killing all the wolves. I stayed beside Eden's corpse hoping by some miracle that Klaus was right, although it was lost on me how he could be. 

Another minute had passed and there was a sudden gasp from beside me. I looked down to my lap and found Eden lying there gasping for air, just like , Ray. Klaus the came sauntering over. "Well I guess I was right." He knelt down beside the both of us Eden still gasping for and looking around in a disorientated way and me sitting with gawping face of confusion and slight happiness. 

He sped over to the man who I'm guessing supplied blood for Ray and dragged back over to the two of us. Eden looked down at the man and looked disgusted as if she knew what Klaus was planning. "Now all thats needed is a little human blood to complete the transition." Eden looked at Klaus and then to me. "Transition?" She was confused and still terrified and so was I. 

"Now you see Eden. My girl here, has been quite the baffling thing ever since I first met her and thanks to the help and a little chat with my brother, I realised something todays the day Isa learns why we are the same." I looked at Klaus and thought over his words, then I was brought back to the night we had spent talking at the cliff. And then it dawned on me. 

I looked up to klaus confusion and fear of my own thought prevalent. "But that would mean." Klaus smiled, it was something between a smirk that ended in a genuine smile. "That's right Isabella. Your a Tribrid." As he said this Klaus forced Eden to drink the mans blood and she suddenly began to convulse on the ground beside us until she lifted her head. Her eye's had become a striking shade of gold with veins beneath them, with fangs protruding from her mouth. 

"And you've just turned your first Hybrid."    

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