Lets get Some Wolves

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Ray didn't seem to have a clue who klaus was and for him that was unfortunate because now I had to sit here for about five minutes listening to Klaus explain to Ray what he was and that Stefan had compelled the whole bar. Oh sorry did I say it was unfortunate for Ray, sorry I meant me.  

By the time the whole monologue was finished I had gone through around two pints of water and half a Pepsi. I looked over to see what the boys were doing and to be honest I was not surprised by what I saw. Ray was now chained to the wall his head positioned in the middle of a dart board, blood trickling down his face, with Stefan about ready to throw another dart at his target. 

Abandoning my drinks mostly due to boredom I made my over to my two 'captors' and sat beside Klaus. "So whats this suppose to do?" I ask in mild curiosity. "Well love theres nothing like a little incentive to get the bowl rolling, or in this case the information coming." I shook my head at Klaus' words there had to be a more humane way to get the information out of ray. 

Standing up from my chair I made my way over to the dart board and removed the chains keeping ray in place. "Why did you do that I was getting ready for another shot." Stefan spoke fake annoyance covering his voice. I gave him a glare and turned to Ray. "Ray I don't want to hurt you and I don't want my companions hurting you either so please for your own sake just tell Klaus what he wants to know."

Just before Ray could reply I heard movement coming from behind me I tuned around to find Stefan leaving the bar. 'Wonder what he's up to.'  I looked back to ray and he began to speak. "The mountains, every full moon my pack gathers up in the mountain." Coming up beside me I noticed the proud grin on Klaus' face, but ignored it. "There you go ray not so bad was it. Thanks love." Klaus finished looking at me. 

I moved to the side to allow Ray to finally leave this hell, but Klaus grabbed him by the neck and threw him onto the pool table. "Klaus what are you doing?" I shouted slightly worried for Ray's life. "Well you see love I have bigger plans for our friend here." I stepped forward but Klaus put his hand Infront of me as a warning. "Klaus stop, you don't need to hurt him anymore he's already told you were the pack is."

Klaus grabbed a knife from a near by table. "Well you see love, as I said Ray has other uses." He leant down so he could address Ray properly. "You see Ray it's a three step process. One I feed you my blood." Klaus slit his wrist with the knife and blood started to poor from the wound. Klaus shoved his wrist into the werewolf's mouth forcing him to drink his blood. 

I looked at Klaus with disgust as I already knew what step two would be. "Don't worry love he'll thank me for it later." As klaus said this Stefan returned now standing just behind him. "What are you gonna do?" Ray asked fear prevalent in his voice. "Now it's time for step two." Klaus paused for a second the sped down to break Ray's neck. You'd think I'd be use to it all by now but I was the furtherest from it actually. 

Klaus had walked over to the bar with Stefan talking about something I didn't have the energy to care about, I just stared at Ray's dead body before Klaus came sauntering over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "He won't be dead long love." I refused to look him in the eye. "That's not the point. You've dragged me up and down the country for months tormenting Stefan and everyone we come across and this is all it comes to."    

"Klaus bent down to whisper in my ear this is only the pre-party love, theres more excitement to come." Klaus Grabbed me by the arm and lead me out of the bar and back to the car with Stefan hauling Ray into the boot and me sitting beside Klaus in the front. 

It took at least an hour to reach the foot of the mountain and half an hour of Klaus and Stefan's bickering for me to finally realise I had had enough. When your stuck with two men for a month being dragged up and down the country after sometime you begin to feel like you've lost your sanity or at least I'm about to. 

After another ten minutes of trekking through the mountains woods klaus turned to me. "Still giving me the silent treatment love."I ignored Klaus not bothering to give him the time of day. "What's that about?" Stefan asked referring to the 'silent treatment' I'm giving our mutual 'friend'. "Ah, well she's mad at me for killing the wolf and has now decided she doesn't wish to talk."  

We continued on our way until we heard voices coming from the other side of the trees. Klaus, in typical Klaus fashion, pushed on through the trees as if he was a long awaited guest, with me and Stefan following behind with Ray's corpse over Stefan's shoulders. 

Stefan immediately took the opportunity to throw Ray's body to the ground as if it had been a great struggle in carrying him. A woman came running over shouting said werewolf's. "Ray. Oh my God." She lifted her head to look around at the other werewolves. "What's going on? Who are you?" The last question was aimed at Stefan as I had stayed for the most part out of view until Klaus decided to move and I became visible. 

"I believe the better question is who am I."  Klaus looked over everyone present and continued. "Please forgive the intrusion, my name is Klaus." The woman got to her feat fear stunned on her face. "The hybrid." Of course this only boosted Klaus' ego. "Ah, so you've heard of me, brilliant." 

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