Road Trip and An Alpha

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I had fallen asleep not long after I got back to my room hoping it would be a nice get away from what was going on in my real life. I couldn't have been more wrong. The moment I fell asleep my dreams were plagued with the night of my sister and aunt's death. All I could see was fire and blood then their lifeless bodies laying on the floor.

I thought I could hear screams in the background of my mind and kept wondering who the screams belonged to. I could feel myself waking up. Only then did I realise that it was me who I could hear screaming.

I felt two strong arms wrapped around me and instead of trying to get away I felt relaxed and calm in their embrace. I heard the shushing me and in a carrying voice say. "Calm multum luna, calm. It's alright it was only a dream." I knew that voice. There was only one person it could be. "Klaus." 

I whispered his name, as I felt my self being lulled back to sleep by his calming voice. This time there were no nightmares, no dreams, only peace which I welcomed gratefully.


When I woke up again I could instantly tell that I was somewhere different and once my eyes adjusted I could tell I had once again woken up in the back of a car.  Honestly what was it with me and waking up in the back of a car lately.

I yawned and started to get myself up into a sitting position. I knew if it was like last time Klaus and Stefan were sitting in the front of the car so I didn't bother to look. I looked out the window beside me and noticed that it was dark.

When I looked down at myself had me confused and a bit disturbed. Unlike the last time I woke up I wasn't wearing my pj's, but instead was wearing a pair of black jeans and a dark blue crop top. I knew I had to ask Klaus about that later. 

I looked into the front seat and only just noticed that no one was in the front of the car which really had me confused where were Stefan and Klaus? I then noticed that the car was parked in I clearing with trees surrounding it and if I looked through the front window I could see a house. 

I could hear leaves crunching outside and could hear someone approaching the car. The drivers side door opened and in came Klaus. To be honest I was a bit relieved to see him, but I couldn't help but wonder where Stefan was. "I'm happy to see your awake love I was worried about you." I gave an exaggerated sigh and said "yeah right."

I could him chuckling and then remembered what I was going ask him. "How I'm I dressed?" He turned his head and looked at me saying "don't worry love it wasn't me or Stefan I compelled one of the receptionists to dress you." I huffed and mumbled , "I could have dressed myself." 

There was a moment of silence before Klaus said "I didn't wish to wake you after last night." I thought about what he said before memories of my nightmare and screaming came back to me. Looking back at Klaus I then remembered he was the one I woke up to. The one who held me and made sure I got back to sleep. 

"I really was worried about you last night, multum luna." Looking at his expresion I saw concern flash in his eyes. I really needed to ask him what that meant, it was annoying me that I couldn't figure it out, but before I could say anything more I heard someone else approaching the car. The passenger door opened and in came Stefan. "How was it Stefan." He didn't answer Klaus so he took it as a sign to just get going. "Where are we going." Klaus was the one to reply. "We're looking for an alpha."


After being on the road for another half hour or so we finally pulled up to what looked like a bar. We all made our way out of the car. Klaus helped me out and escorted me into the bar with Stefan already going in ahead of us both. 

When we entered I noticed Stefan going around and compelling everyone in the bar as Klaus took me over to the bar part of well, the bar. We both sat down on stools as klaus ordered himself a scotch and I just got a water.

A man came over and sat beside me. Once he had finished ordering a drink for himself he glanced over to were I sat. His stare didn't feel uncomfortable just odd. Before he could say anything Stefan came up from behind him. "Ray." The man turned around and after a look at Stefan got up and stood in what I'm guessing was supposed to be a threatening way. 

"What does a vampire want?" I could hear Klaus getting up from behind me. I turned my head to see him approaching Stefan and the alpha. "It's not what he want's, but I want you should be interested in." The man looked as though he was about to attack someone, but kept himself composed enough to ask, "who are you?" 

I saw a smirk grow on Klaus' face as if he was anticipating that Ray would ask him that. "Ah well my names Klaus." He turned to Stefan and nodded as if he could read what Klaus was thinking and walked away further into the bar. "Now, why don't we have a chat."

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