Massacre of Hybrids

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Only minutes had passed and thanks to Klaus I was stunned into shock whilst sitting against a nearby tree trunk. Thank fully Eden had begun to calm and down and sat beside me as Klaus waited for his other hybrids to awaken. From beside me I could here Eden twisting her body around. "Are you okay?" Her voice was weaker than what I had expected but the concern was real and it was present. 

I couldn't turn to look at her my shock taking over my body. "I don't know." Eden began to shuffle closer over to me so we were practically hip to hip. "Maybe talking about something else could help." I could hear a smile come to her face. "I'm Eden, by the way." She stretched out her hand to me and Pushing myself forward I was able to turn my body to finally face her. I took her her to shake it. "Isabella, but you can call me Isa. So do you actually live here or are you from somewhere else." She smiled again enjoy the conversation and I had to admit i was to, it had been so long since I last talked to a girl my age.   

"Let me guess my accent gave it away." I nodded the smile not leaving my face. "Maybe." We both chuckled at my comment. "I'm actually from Brooklyn, but moved out here when I heard rumours about there being a pack in the mountains. I only joined a few months ago." She looked back at me and spoke again. "So where are you from Isa?" I debated answering not wanting to bring it up, but at the same time i wanted someone i could talk to and Eden was giving me that opportunity.

So I answered. "Im from a town in Virginia called MysticFalls." Eden's questions then continued. "So, how'd you end up out here with that Psycho?" I looked over at Klaus for a second, but turned away as my anger just began to rise. "In truth he and my sisters boyfriend kidnapped me and dragged me along on what he's been calling a road trip. It's had it's ups and down, but now it's definitely hit rock bottom." 

Eden's face morphed into one of pity. "Well that does sound like quite the adventure." She then looked away seeming to be thinking about something. "Eden. Are you ok?" I asked worried for her. "Yeah, I'm just confused. My wolf no longer feels like it did before and I don't know what I am now." I nodded in understanding. "In truth I don't understand either." I looked at Eden seeing her expresion drop at me not being able to help.  

Then I heard feet crunching against the fallen leaves. "Perhaps I can shed a bit of light on the situation." It was Klaus I was about ready to wrestle him to the ground for what he had done, but he had already thought ahead of me. "Now Isabella you should be thanking me." I looked at him anger clear on my face and prevalent in my eye's. "Give me one good reason why I should be thanking you?" 

"Well if it wasn't for me we'd never know for certain what you are and know we know." This time instead of me replying it was Eden. "A Tribrid, what even is that?" I was surprised Eden could even remember that as she was withering on the floor when Klaus had said the word. "That as you put it love is the combination of a werewolf, vampire and witch." I sat there even more stunned than I was before. 

Then it struck me. "When me and Elena spent the day with Elijah he asked me if I could be compelled and then when he confirmed I couldn't be, he started saying that neither could witches or werewolves and only in certain cases could vampires be compelled." I said as I remembered the time I had spent with Elijah all those weeks ago. "It would seem my dear brother was onto you even before me." Klaus then chuckled. "Well that certainly sounds like him."

Klaus was about to continue, but moans started to take hold of our attention. "Well it seems the others want to join the party." The next hour had gone to hell to put it lightly and i had spent most of standing out of the way and allowing Klaus and sadly Eden to kill all the crazed Hybrids. When they had started to wake it was like a switch had been flipped and they suddenly went berserk trying to ill one another and the three of us. 

Klaus had mo choice to put them all out of their misery by killing every last one of them before they could kill us. Thanks to Eden now being half vampire she was able to keep up with the others and because she had been turned longer than them she was also stronger. 

Night had finally come and me and Eden along with Klaus sat on a log contemplating what had just happened. Tired from the days events my head lay on Eden's shoulder, using it as pillow as I tried not to fall asleep. 

Time passed and i could faintly see a large figure coming towards our little group. Once he reached the clearing I could tell it was Stefan. He threw Ray's lifeless body onto the ground infront of us, but I was to tired to react. "They went rabid, Some of them we killed and the others." Klaus paused trying to think of a way to describe it. "The others just bled out." 

I could here Klaus stand and most likely made his way over to Stefan. "But in the end they're all dead." I was able to half open my eye's when I heard Stefan begin to speak. "What about her?" He said pointing his had at Eden. "She's not mine." Klaus sated. "Then who's?" Stefan's voice voice trailed of as I could faintly see Klaus' hand point at me. "Hers. Isabella's a Tribrid Stefan and she can turn her Hybrids, but I can't."

 Klaus walked a few feet away from us as he through a beer bottle to the ground, screaming in anger and defeat. This made me jump as I was almost asleep at this point. "I did everything I was told." he looked over across the dead bodies of his half turned Hybrids. "I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse, I killed a werewolf, I killed a vampire, I killed the doppelgänger." My heart clenched as the memory of my sisters death came racing to the forefront of my mind. 

I could never forget the blank look on her face as the life was drained from her. Klaus had finally calmed down enough to notice Stefan's appearance. "You look like hell." Stefan was quick to reply in a snarky way. "Last I checked I'm dying."  I was confused at first and so was Eden as I took a quick tired glance at her, but then I saw on Stefan's arm a bite, a werewolf bite.    

Klaus walked over to a pile of beer bottles set beside Eden and took one. He turned back round to Stefan and bit his wrist as he began to pour his blood into the bottle and handed it off to Stefan. The quite atmosphere had begun to lull me back to sleep as I once again lay my head on Eden's shoulder. 

I could hear more movement and then began to feel arms rapping around my legs and waste. "Come here Isa." Klaus whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but snuggle further into his shoulder for comfort. He began to walk most likely with Stefan in tow, but then I heard a shout from behind us. "And what about me?" It was Eden. "Your coming with us love." And then Klaus started to walk again. 

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being placed in the back of the car with my head being laid on Eden's lap. "Now you better take care of her love, your lucky I'm trusting you, but Isabella likes you and that for the moment is enough for me." Klaus must have thought I was still asleep as he then began to rub my head softly. "Good night, multum luna." I couldn't help the faint smile I had from hearing the nick name again, I still had no clue what it meant though, perhaps if I wake up in a better mood I could ask.  

And once again I had drifted of to sleep as the car began to drive off, and where to I didn't care. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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