Chapter 4: Mutagen Man Unleashed

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I tried forgetting the surprising news that I remember my father telling Leo. But I couldn't. Karai is my sister. I'm the younger sister of Karai. Her half sister. And I was never told about that.

Of course I'm angry. I'm livid. I'm having problems trusting my own family now. But I try not to let it affect me so much.

All I have to do confront father about it and try to get Karai on our side. That's all there is to it.

So with that plan settled in my mind I was able to forget a little about it, but it still hurt me. I'm still acting distant from the others. All I've been doing is hiding in my room and watching anime. That's it.

Although I was kinda mad that I had to join the guys for their night patrol. They wouldn't shut up so I agreed to go. But it wasn't even patrol. It was just some excuse for a bit of training. Our new lesson: using stealth for attacks which Leo used against Mikey.

I just shook my head and walked over to the edge, looking down over at the city that never sleeps as I let the cool wind blow through my hair.

I was in my own little world until I felt a pair of hands slam down on my shoulders, causing me to let out a small scream and jumped out of the way, smacking the pair of hands away that belonged to Raphael who was laughing his head off.

"Not funny, Raphael!" I shouted and tried throwing my fist at him to punch him, but he just leaned to the side to dodge my attack.

"Calm down, princess. It was just a harmless prank. Let loose a little. You've been stuck in your room for weeks and you've been distant." He stated.

"So?" I scoffed as I crossed my arms.

"Myra, if something's wrong you can talk to us you know." Leo said to which I glared at him.

I still can't believe that father was the one who told Leo the big news instead of me, the one who deserved to know about Karai being my sister the most.

"Dude, I think she's still mad about the whole Mr. O'Neil getting mutated situation." Mikey whispered over to him but I clearly heard what he said.

I clenched my jaw and held back a growl as I grabbed my tessen and threw over at Mikey's head. He let out a scream and dodged my incoming weapons just in time for it to get stuck into the wooden boards of a water tank.

"Dude! What's you're problem?!" Mikey asked as he pulled my stuck tessen out from the boards and threw back to me.

"None of your business." I spat as I caught my weapon. "None of you need to know. SO STAY OUT OF IT!" I shouted and jumped down from rooftop to rooftop to get away far away from them as possible.

"Hey! Where are you going? We're still training." Leo called out.

"Finish your training without me! I'm going home!" I shouted back as I headed back down to the sewers.

I walked through the turnstiles and headed down the few steps. More like stomped down. I kicked over one of their skateboards in anger, not caring if father heard the commotion.

I just sighed and looked around the living room, debating on what to do before I looked over at Donnie's lab. I just rolled my eyes and walked in, looking over to see Metalhead who Donnie fixed a while back then over at his mutagen experiments.

He was trying so hard to find a cure for Mr. O'Neil. But he was running out of mutagen. I ignored all that and looked over at all the pictures of our family he had hung up on the wall.

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