Chapter 13: Quakes In Manhattan

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I was walking alone the edge of the rooftops, minding my own business as I was jamming out to the loud music from my headphones, nodding my head to the beat of one of Corpse Husband's songs.

A few days have gone by since the Rat King was taken down... again, and I've been managing pretty well on my own up here. In your dumb face, Raphael.

I don't really sleep that much since I always have to be alert for anything and everything, but I'm doing well. I stop by April's place and Murakami's restaurant every now and then for food and to charge my phone. April is mostly the only slight help I'll accept. But she stopped trying to force me to go back to the lair if I promise to keep her updated. So it's a start.

But strange things have been going on lately. It started a few days ago with small rumbling sounds and increased to the ground slightly shaking. It wasn't really concerning since I thought it was probably construction going on. But I've noticed that it's gotten a little worse and the ground would shake more and more. But I was too absorbed into my own thoughts and music that I didn't pay attention. So I just ignored it.

But I couldn't ignore it anymore when the ground started shaking roughly to the point I almost lost my balance. It also wasn't the first time it was that concerning.

"What the heck is going on? Earthquakes in Manhattan?" I muttered to myself as I steadied my body from falling just as the earthquake subsided.

And just as I was about to head off in the other direction I halted to a stop when I heard footsteps approaching fast behind me.

I turned around without thinking and came face to face with Karai and her gang of foot bots along with Razhar, or, Bradford by her side.

She skid to a stop and caught her breath just as she spotted me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"Walking. Trying to enjoy my depressing days as much as I can. What are you doing here?" I shrugged and asked her as I didn't even bother to take off my headphones and act like the quake from before didn't even affect me.

"I just left from fighting the turtles. Stupid quakes interfered with my plans so I had to retreat. Why weren't you there?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

"Didn't care. Didn't need to be. Sooo... are you gonna fight me or can I just leave?" I asked in a deadpanned tone.

"Why don't I just finish you off? I couldn't finish off the turtles, so I'll settle with you." The mutant wolf growled as he raised his claws.

"Bradford, down. I have no business fighting her." Karai called him off and signaled her foot bots to back away from a fighting stance.

"What? Why wouldn't you? She's right here and outnumbered. You'd have a chance to take her to Shredder." He said to her.

"It wouldn't matter much. I'm in charge right now. And I say stand down." She said to him and walked up to me.

I raised a brow as she placed her hand on my shoulder and walked me over to the edge of the building, away from her foot gang.

"What is it?" I asked.

She sighed as she sat down on the edge with a confused but frustrated look on her face. "It's something that Leo said. He said I should know... about my true father. What was he talking about?" She asked.

My eyes slightly widen as I stayed quiet. I wanted to tell her but was it my place to say it? I feel like she should hear all of that from Splinter himself from all the secrets he kept.

"Sorry, but it's not my place to say anything. Leo's an idiot sometimes. Don't listen to him." I hated lying. I hated that I let her continue to believe that Shredder is her father but I just couldn't be the one to tell her. Plus she might not even believe me, so why bother.

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