Chapter 14: Lonely Mutation Of Baxter Stockman

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Long story short, Baxter Stockman was somehow mutated into a giant fly and April's mutated bat dad was finally turned human again sine Donnie created a retro-mutagen. But Stockman was after the canister as was Razhar and a group of foot soldiers were after him. As for me, I was out doing my own thing. I'm tired of getting caught up in their messes. And in the end they were able to handle it without my help.

I sighed and closed up my journal as I was leaning against the wall up on the rooftop. I looked up into the night sky as I fluted onto my necklace, thinking about my mom as I do most nights and count the stars until I fall asleep.

I'm hoping things will get better in the future.

(Sorry for the short chapter but I couldn't plan out how she would be in this episode and the the next chapter will be kinda short too but I'll start getting to the normal episodes soon.)

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