Chapter - 46

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"Did you get yourself involved into all of the illegal stuff mentioned here?"
Voiced out the Police officer.

The dim yellow lighting hanging above their heads, highlighted only the face of the officer sitting in front of Junmyeon, showing how intimidating the man is.

He pushed forward a tab displaying the viral tweet about the Kim eldest and Kang eldest.

The eldest Kim got slightly uncomfortable of the question but nonetheless, nodded slightly.

"Did you and Ms. Seulgi get involved in it together?"

Once again Junmyeon only nodded to give his response.

Infuriated by the lack of words being exchanged in the investigation, the police officer said,

"I need you to speak up Mr. Kim. Otherwise we won't be able to get any concrete solution out of this situation."

Junmyeon tried to understand the Officers perspective and so he agreed.

"Okay go ahead, I'll be answering all your questions truthfully."

Satisfied with the response he had received, the officer threw his next question.

"Did you get yourself involved on the command of your father or for the sake of Kim group of industries?"

Slightly agitated by the accusations made on his father, Junmyeon spoke up in a rather firm tone,

"Father never told me to get involved, although, he used to keep mentioning all the illegal stuff happening in the company. After a point it was evident that he needed someone extremely close to get their hands into all this directly so that everything runs out smoothly."

The officer laughs out heartily because of the words that had just hit his ears,

"One doesn't need to get themselves involved into all of this just for it to run smoothly. A simple look over it would have been enough."

The Kim's expression visibly darkened as he spoke up in a low, intimidating voice.

"You don't know anything about how it works, so it's better for you to keep going with the investigation instead of giving me free and useless advices."

By now, the police officer had everything he wanted for further investigation. He just smirked and proceeded to escort himself out.

Seulgi was also under investigation in another room at the same time.


Observing Seulgi's calm demeanour, the officer decided to directly ask the heart hitting questions,

"Did you get your hands dirty in this because of the potential Kang cooperation bankruptcy 4 years ago?"

Seulgi simply crossed her arms and replied,

"Yes, I clearly had no other choice back then."

The officer chuckled darkly and said,

"You did have many other options to save your family, its just that you chose the worst out of all of them."

Seulgi chose to ignore the taunt she had received and asked boringly,

"Do you have any further questions or may I leave?"

The officer got offended by Seulgi's icy upfront and non cooperative behaviour. To remind the girl in front that she was getting investigated, the officer spat out,

"This attitude of yours won't work on me, just keep answering my questions and you won't land in prison."

Seulgi had caught onto what was happening so she just huffed and sat back, preparing herself for the next question.

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