The Hundred-Handed Giant

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The giant moved toward us, waving his many hands. Each one held a BOTTLE of colorful liquid.
   "Who goes there?" he thundered.
   "We are researchers," Will answered.
   "Why have you come to my house?" the giant asked.
   "We did not mean to disturb you," Will said. "We didn't know you lived here." "Everyone in the land knows that!" boomed the giant. "I am the Hundred-Handed Giant. Where are you from?"
   "From the World Below," Colette called out. The Giant looked interested.
   "I was in the World Below a long, long time ago," he said.

As he spoke, we heard the sound of BREAKING GLASS. One of the bottles had broken in the giant's hand. He rushed to take another from a shelf.
   "How long have you lived here?" Will asked
   "I do not know," the GAINT replied. "Here, time does not pass. And I am condemned to always keep my hands occupied, I cannot rest for a single moment."
   "Is that why you're holding a bottle in every hand?" I asked.
   The giant nodded. "Yes. Once, I traveled to a faraway land. I was young and arrogant then, and when I came across an ugly WITCH I laughed in her face. So she punished me by giving me a hundred hands."
   "How cruel!" said Colette.

"She taught me a lesson that appearances do not matter, and I have learned it." said the giant.
   "But why must your hands always be occupied?" Paulina wondered.
   "It is part of the curse." said the giant sadly. "My hands must always be doing something, or I shall die. So I constantly empty and refill these bottles."
   "That is awful," said Colette. "I wish we could stay and keep you company."
   "Yes, but we have a very important assignment," added Will. "The Weaver Fairies are no longer making clouds. If we don't find out why this is happening, the Land of Clouds will disappear."

The giant frowned. "I did not know this. I never venture outside my tunnel. But if it's true that the Land of Clouds is in DANGER then I will help you."
   "Thank you," said Colette. "You are very kind."
   "Kindness is another lesson I have learned," the giant said with a smile.
   "Do you know the way to Fairywing Village?" asked Will.
   "I can point out the road to you, but I can't go with you," the giant said.
   "First you must pass through the VALLEY OF THE INFINITE STORM CLOUDS."
   "That sounds DANGEROUS," said Pam.
   "The valley is swept by very strong winds that bring storm clouds with them," the giant explained. "These clouds create the Scarlet River, which is very difficult to cross. The SCARLET LIGHTNING FAIRIES live in the river, and they do not like strangers. You must be careful."
   "We will be," I promised.
   The giant led us to the end of the tunnel. We said good-bye to him, and before long, we came to a valley of ANGRY RED CLOUDS. We walked to the edge and looked down into the swirling storm clouds.

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