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Once through the door, they found themselves in a room full of marvelous COLORED LIGHT. The walls, made of clouds, constantly changed color.
   "They remind me of THE ATER LIGHTS," Paulina said, remembering the school plays at Mouseford Academy.
   "It reminds me of a MULTICOLORED forest," said Nicky, looking around in awe.
   Even Ariette seemed amazed. "I have never been inside here before," she said.
   "Others have described it to me, but words do not do it justice." 
Will gazed around. There was so much to take in!

"Do you know where we can find the CRYSTAL?" he asked.
   "It is kept in the ROOM OF LIGHT," the fairy replied. "The pixies keep their most PRECIOUS objects there. It is said to be the only room with a golden door. It is said to be the only room with a golden door. It should be easy to find."
   And it was. They quickly located the GOLDEN DOOR, which was not LOCKED. When they gasped in surprise as a flash of white light blinded them for a moment. 

When their eyes adjusted, they saw the light REFLECTING over every surface.
   "A CRYSTAL ROOM! How gorgeous!" exclaimed Colette.
   Looking around in wonder, they stepped inside. Ariette's crystal glittered on top of a pedestal of clouds in the center of the room. When she saw it, the fairy's eyes filled with tears.
   Colette put a paw on her shoulder. "It must be wonderful to see it again."
   Ariette nodded. "I just hope it is not too late and I still have my powers."
   She reached out to take the crystal-- and something blocked her hand. 
   "There is some sort of INVISIBLE BARRIER protecting the crystal," Ariette said. 

Nicky tapped on it. "Should we try to break it?" she asked
   Will tapped on it, too. "It feels very hard, almost like GLASS," he said.
   He pulled a small hammer out of his backpack and hit the barrier with it a few times, but it didn't BREAK.
   "No luck," Will said with a frown.
   "We have come all this way, and now we must give up," Ariette said sadly.
   "We are NOT going to give up," Colette said firmly. "There must be some way to get past this invisible barrier."
    She placed both paws on the barrier's TRANSPARENT SURFACE.
   "Yes, there must be a way!" added Paulina, placing her paws next to Colette's.
   Nicky walked up and joined her friends.
   Nothing happened for a few seconds, and then a SHINING FLASH burst from the crystal as if it were lit from within. A bright glow filled the room.

A moment later, the transparent dome DISSOLVED. Ariette took the crystal and stared at it in disbelief.
   "I don't understand," said Nicky.
   "We didn't do anything," added Paulina.
   Areitte smiled at them. "You're wrong. You have done much, and my CRYSTAL knew that."
   "What do you mean?" asked Colette.
   "The heart on my pendent is sensitive to the strongest, purest feelings, like the friendship between you three," the fairy explained. "When it sensed your friendship, it responded with a burst of pure light."
   Paulina looked surprised. "Then our friendship dissolved the BARRIER protecting the crystal?"

   "I believe so," replied Ariette. "It's clear that you love one another and take care of one another. And you transmitted all that to the crystal through your paw."
   Colette, Nicky, and Paulina looked at one another and then all hugged tightly.
"FRIENDSHIP SAVES THE DAY!" they cheered happily.
   "It's wonderful," said Ariette, thinking of her own dear friend as she looked down at Galatea's CRYSTAL, which still hung around her neck.
   She slipped off Galatea's pendant and put it safely in her pocket. Then she put on her own crystal. Suddenly, her eyes became bright, her cheeks turned PINK, and her hair shone like silk.

   "I feel so much better," said Ariette.
   "Do you still have your powers?" Paulina asked.
   "I can feel them. But now I am worried about Galatea. We must return her CRYSTAL to her right away."
   "But what about the COLOR PIXIES? Won't they stop us?" Colette asked.
   Ariette's eyes shone. "I have an idea. Follow me!"

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