Chapter 1- We Caught Them

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He had gotten the call ten minutes ago. A call he had waited months for, a call that he thought could change everything. For the first time in a few weeks, Dream had enough energy to get out of bed, and even run. He sprinted up to the police station, cursing as he dropped papers and pens behind him in a trail of color and ink. People quickly moved out of his way, eyeing him distastefully. But Dream didn't care. Because they had finally caught them!

The Sleepy Boys, known for wrecking terror and havoc on the city, had finally been caught. They'd shown up at the police station before, usually the youngest, but never had they been caught. Dream burst through the fancy revolving doors and headed straight for the interrogation room. He tore up stairs and through office spaces, waving away interns and people who wanted a quick word. It could wait, would have to wait. This held priority over everything else in his life. Sapnap was already seated in his chair but he rose when he saw Dream.

"Hey Dream, you got here fast."

"How could I not," he responded, dropping his bag. He turned and finally got a good look at the men he had been chasing all over the city for the past many months. He knew them all, he would be able to tell it was them even if they were covered in feathers dancing on a roof.

"So first up we have Philza. He's the obvious leader of the group and the oldest. He adopted Techno when he turned 18, but the other two joined without adoption. Currently he is being charged with breaking and entering, robbery, murder, and arson."

Phil ruffled his feathery, black wings from behind the glass, looking miffed. His shiny golden hair barely brushed his eyebrows and he kept throwing the others dirty and worried looks. His bucket hat sat perched atop his head, hiding his eyes rather well. He was wearing a green yukata and traditional sandals, contrasting heavily from the modern outfits the other three wore. He was noticeably missing the two twin katanas that traditionally adorned his waist.

"So secondly we have Technoblade," Sapnap continued, not even looking up from his reports. "Phil adopted him when he was younger from the orphanage they burned down earlier today."

"They what?!"

"Oh yeah, totally forgot to mention that. It's an empty building, no one was injured and there are no deceased. But they burned it to the ground before we could get there."

"Great," Dream said sarcastically. "Anything else you wanna mention while we're at it?"

"I think that's all. But Techno claims to be the 'second worst thing that has ever happened to those orphans' and the Blood God. A head injury caused a rare condition where he can hear the voices of the dead. They usually tell him to kill and destroy things, and he obviously does not manage them very well. He's charged with homicide,destruction of property, breaking and entering, theft, arson, and assaulting police officers."

Dream had already known this but he listened in solemn silence. Techno was picking at his nails, looking bored out of his mind. His long pink hair was swept back in a braid behind his pointed ears and his ruby eyes didn't even spare the one way glass a single glance. He was wearing his iconic king's outfits with a fitted blouse, regal pants, and a long red cape lined with white fur. It would look handsome if it wasn't stained with blood and covered with burn holes. The Blood God stood before him, and Dream felt a spike of... sadness? What?

He flinched a little, confused out of his mind. What the hell was he sad for? This man has just burned down an orphanage! He shook his head, this whole breakup thing was messing with him. He needed a drink or something. Maybe even a good whack to the head.

"Sorry, continue," he said, waving away Sapnap's concerned look. His colleague nodded and turned back to the files.

"We'll number three you already know. Wilbur Soot. Mass arsonist. He has started more fires than any other person we've captured, combined. He started the orphanage fire; his prints are all over the jugs of gasoline they were using."

Dream did know who Wilbur was. Wilbur had been his obsession for so long, and here he was. Fluffy brown hair falling into one eye, the harsh lighting of the room reflected in his circular, wire rim glasses. His brown overcoat was thrown over a yellow sweater and pants with burn holes in them. He smiled crookedly at the glass, his reddish-brown eyes glittering with malice and amusement.

Ever since the first reports had come in, Dream had focused on this man. His patterns were erratic, his crimes unconnected, and he never managed to get caught. He was like a puzzle Dream just couldn't sort out. He wasn't sure if he was missing a piece or not. Even now, Dream couldn't get a good read on him. Techno was bored, Phil was worried, but Wilbur was just... there. He couldn't figure it out, it was maddening. And exciting. The way he flicked his hair out of his eyes but it still fell right back to the same spot made Dream either want to smack him or-

"Keep going," he said hurriedly, trying to jar the thought from his head. This was a criminal. An arsonist who causes damage. Someone he could never even befriend.

"Finally we have Tommy Innit. He has insisted we call him Big Man or Big T."

Dream snorted.

"Oh don't write him off," Sapnap warned. He was in a tree when he jumped down and took Skeppy out. He also managed to neutralize Bad and we almost had to dart him."

Dream sighed a little. The chaotic blonde wore a red and white shirt with simple brown pants. He also wore multiple belts around his waist that were completely empty. Dream could only imagine the amount of weapons and items he could hold in there. The teen seemed to be arguing with Phil, waving expressively with his hands and nearly hitting Wilbur in the face with his sign. Wilbur glared at him and pushed him, making the teen yell angrily and push back. Dream grabbed the microphone pad and hit the button.

"Stop and get back in line or you will be subdued," he snapped over the loudspeakers. Tommy and Wilbur stopped fighting nearly immediately, glaring at each other as they lined back up.

"Hey, can you turn on the sound for me?"

Sapnap nodded and voices flooded over the speakers engraved in the ceiling of the rooms.

"Tommy no," Phail said, sounding worn out. "We're in enough trouble as it is, we don't need to cause any more."

"Wilbur, Techno?"

"It's your funeral," Techno replied in his monotone voice, sounding just as bored as he looked. "I don't really care."

""That's harsh Blade, you're such a dickhead. What do you think Wilbur?"

"I say do it," Wilbur said at once. He flipped his hair out of his eyes, staring through the glass. He looked more upwards and locked eyes with Dream. He stumbled back a little, feeling like he had been dealt a blow to the stomach. Wilbur didn't know it, but they maintained eye contact for a few more seconds before he looked over at Tommy.

"Take their pictures and get them in the holding cells," Dream ordered breathlessly. If Sapnap noticed something was off he didn't say. He tapped a few buttons and the camera whirred to life. Tommy grinned like he had just won a prize as Phil groaned loudly.

"Tommy, don't do it!"

"Too late!"

The young Brit let go of the sign with his hand and flipped off the camera. Phil looked to the side in defeat, holding his own sign dejectedly. Techno stared straight at the camera with a monotone smile, the police were obviously not worth his time. Wilbur grinned cheekily, staring through his lashes. Tommy stuck his tongue out right as the flash went off.


Well, I think I'm officially back!  I hope you all enjoy this as much as I will, because I have a lot in store.  Once I figure out how to pull up the picture I'll do that.  Until then, here ya go!  Also I'm gonna borrow and idea from a friend of mine Bread unless she otherwise tells me no.

Headcanon- Dream wanted to be a doctor when he was little so he could help people out, but the human body was too gross and complex for him so he went with police instead.

Word Count- 1429

Sleepy Buddies [REWRITE] //DreamburWhere stories live. Discover now