Chapter 2- Escape Artists

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TW: mentions of rape (nothing actually happens dw, I'm not writing that anytime soon) , guns, and explosions.  Proceed with caution!


Dream left the board meeting, rubbing his eyes sleepily. They had caught the criminals around 10:00 P.M. and they had just come to a decision now on what to do with them. They were to be shipped out to Pandora's Box in a few hours where they would join a prisoner who worked closely with them in the past. It would be easier to keep them all in check, according to the others. Dream went along with whatever they said, he wasn't in the mood to condemn the Sleepy Boys to anything.

He checked his watch. 4:00 A.M. Great. Dream wasn't headed home any time soon, not with these people asking questions and whatnot. And this was only the beginning; they would be swarmed with news reporters tomorrow. He collapsed into his chair, taking a giant swig of coffee. The Sleepy Boys had not moved since they were taken to their cells. They simply stayed where they were, which was welcoming if not a little concerning. Wilbur had admittedly tried to flirt with Foolish (to Dream's horror) and Tommy had cursed Antfrost out, but otherwise everything was going smoothly.

He was about to doze off when he heard something buzzing. He opened an eye to see his phone vibrating on his messy desk, making the pencils jump. Dream swept the papers into a haphazard pile and picked the phone, a little intrigued by who would be calling him at four in the morning. When he saw the caller ID he wished he had fallen asleep instead. Regardless, he sighed in defeat and answered the call.

"Hello George, why are you calling me at four in the morning?"

"Did you really catch them," George asked, sounding worried. "The Sleepy Boys?"

"Yes yes, we caught them. Now please answer my question."

"Oh that's all I wanted to know," George responded in a dismissive tone. Dream's heart plummeted like a stone and he cursed himself for thinking George was there for anything other than his own gain. That's the way he worked, the way Fundy had worked too. Dream couldn't seem to keep himself from falling into these toxic relationships.


There was an awkward pause, neither man able to come up with anything to say.

"Well I'm going back to bed, good night."


To Dream's relief, George didn't hang up. He did hear an annoyed sigh though.

"Well, I'm still here."

"Why did you do it?'

"Dream, you're going to have to clarify. I do a lot of things."

"Why did you dump me so suddenly?"

George sighed again. Dream felt like he was sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss.

"It wasn't sudden, you just didn't see the signs," George snapped, irritable. "Now if that's all, let me go back to sleep."

"But I didn't see any signs," Dream said, upset and confused now. "One day you were happy and normal, the next you couldn't even look at me when you broke my heart! What changed George?"

"My feelings for you changed," George snarled in a vicious voice. Dream shrunk away from the speaker, his heart shattering all over again. "Just move on already it's not that hard. Now. Good. Night."

There was a double beep and George's voice was gone. Dream gently set down his phone, shaking. He felt like he had been broken up with all over again. He slunk lower in his chair, blinking back tears. The thought that when he had caught the Sleepy Boys, the hole in him would be filled was torn to shreds now. The validation would never be enough to keep him running and functioning. And now all he felt was regret and shame.

Sleepy Buddies [REWRITE] //DreamburWhere stories live. Discover now