chapter 1

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*Bob's POV*

I sat down, the couch springs creaking under my weight and grabbed my 5th bowl of ice cream.

My wife, Amy, left me for some new guy she had met-apparently I was not helping out with the family. Not that I needed her, I hadn't even wanted annoying kids she practically raped me.......five times.

At least I still had a job with enough pay where I was able to get donuts.

Speaking of my job, I'm an exterminator(bugs), today I'm supposed to visit the Tipton Hotel where there were complaints of bugs.

I really didn't want to go, but y'know I need that money for the donuts.

I slowly got up from the couch,cracking my back in the process.


I put my hand on my back, dropping the bowl of ice cream...and spilling it all over the floor.

"Shit! What is wrong with me?!" I made my way to my room and quickly got ready for my job.

*Mr.Moseby's POV*

I quickly ran down into the lobby,

"where is the exterminator at?"

It was almost 11:30am and with a wedding ceremony at 12:00pm we really needed that exterminator.

"He should be here any minute, sir."

One of my many employees said to me.

I looked around, trying to spot this "exterminator". A,beautiful might I add,fellow came up to me with a grin, his shiny, white teeth showing.

"Hello sir, I'm Bob Duncan, the exterminator."

*Author's Note*

This fanfic was supposed to be a gag, but I'm going to continue writing it! I never really realised there was Bob Duncan/Mr.Moseby fan fiction, but y'know there is fan fiction about everything.Anyway, I will try to update this whenever I can and will probably have 20 chapters....maybe more.

A New Bug-Bob Duncan and Mr.Moseby FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now