Bob's Bugs Be Gone

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Hi. :)


*Random Narrator's POV*


"The Tipton Hotel, largely known for its renowned customer service and amenities, has recently come under fire..." 

The news anchor's all too monotonous voice filled the dark room. The smell of week-old booze filled the air, wafting into Bob's nostrils. 

"...Marion Moseby, the manager of the establishment, claimed he had no relations with the man,"  the news anchor continued. 

The sound of the television was quickly interrupted by a clang as a beer bottle dropped from the sleepy man's hands. How such a bottle could drop from the man's large and beefy hands was questionable. 


Bob was jerked out of his hazy state of sleep suddenly. Beer quickly sunk into the fibers of the dirty, but cozy, rug beneath Bob's feet. 

Recognizing the mess, Bob swiftly turned the television off and slowly walked into his kitchen to get paper towels. 

As he was cleaning, Bob recalled the news anchor's words. 

"Marion Moseby....," Bob thought. "That name seems familiar." 

Bob shrugged his shoulders, "Eh maybe I'm just tired."

After throwing the liquor-soaked towels away, Bob sleepily walked to his room, snuggling under his cotton sheets and placing his bald head on his silk pillow. 

As Bob slowly drifted off to sleep, one thing was on his mind: "Who is Marion Moseby?"


"Hey Bob, how's your day been?"

Bob's work friend and chief marketing officer, Jin, called out as he walked into Bob's office. 

The office was immaculate, adorned with eloquent decor from all over the world. Crisp white curtains hung near the wall-long windows, where a view of Boston in its entirety was seen in all spaces of the room. Black shelves hung from the wall behind Bob's large wooden desk, a globe and golden award plaques sitting upon them. On Bob's desk sat a large and modern computer and beside it a coffee cup with "Best Exterminator" printed in boldface letters. 

Bob sat behind the computer, black glasses upon his face. "It's been busy, but when is it not?" He chuckled, leaning back in his chair.

Jin sat on a black armchair near Bob's desk. "I know you like to work out after work, but...I was wondering if you'd like to come hang out with THE boys later this evening?" 

Bob sighed, "Jin, you know I'd love to but-"

"You're busy." Jin ended Bob's sentence. "I know, I know. Ever since your exterminating company got big after you successfully exterminated Martha Stewart's mansion after having an eye-awakening dream about her you've never had much free time."

"Jin," Bob scratched his neck, "I really am busy. In fact, I need to start heading over to my next client right now"

"Bob, you do know that you're the CEO of this company, right? Why can't you just send a rookie down there?" 

"Jin, don't tell anyone in the office, but the client is the Tipton Hotel," Bob whispered. 

"Wait...the one that-"

Bob quickly shushed Jin, "Yeah, that place."

Jin nodded his head. The Tipton Hotel was a very famous hotel right in the heart of Boston. It made sense that Bob would visit for the appointment. In fact, it could be seen as somewhat rude if he was not the one to consult with the manager of the establishment. 

"Well, I best be getting back to work then." Jin stood up and made his way to the glass door of the office. "Good luck on the appointment! Hopefully we'll be able to make some bank from this!"

"Jin, I promise. Next time, I'll make time to hang with the boys." Bob knew the boys were important, but this job was essential to making more bank---which was what Bob was always determined to do. 

Jin waved and exited the room. 

Bob looked at his watch, a quarter to 5. He'd better start walking down to the hotel. 

Bob quickly grabbed his suit jacket and started toward the elevator, giving a small wink to his secretary as he left his floor. 

As Bob left the building, he felt a little guilty about blowing off the boys again. While he loved to drink as much as the others do, Bob was determined to keep gaining success. Ever since he divorced his good-for-nothing wife and invested heavily in his exterminating business, things in his life had gone so great, so great that Bob feared the day it would all disappear. In an effort to prevent this fear from happening, Bob invested all of his time into bettering his company---and it paid off. Bob's Bugs Be Gone Ltd. had become a multi-million dollar company almost overnight. 

Due to his success, Bob was able to better all aspects of his life. He worked out intensively and had been featured in multiple bodybuilding contests. He also enjoyed living the life of a bachelor, hanging out in different clubs and showing his rockin'-hot body any time he wasn't focused on his company. Bob was even listed in the Forbes magazine. 

Bob smirked as he thought of his success, "And my ex-wife said I'd never make it." 

Bob pulled his Gucci scarf up to his nose as the chilly wind bit his cheeks. It was only October, but Boston had seemed to have begun winter already. 

Bob let out a sigh of relief as he saw the bright gold letters of Tipton Hotel shining above him.

"Thank god," he thought, "I was starting to freeze out here." 

Bob opened the sliding glass doors and walked up to the receptionist's desk. 

"Hi Ma'am, I'm Bob Duncan from Bob's Bugs Be Gone Ltd. I am here for a requested appointment from your manager."

The receptionist eyed Bob, slowly licking her lips but not in the attractive way at all. Bob shivered. 

"Ahh, yes, Mr. Duncan, hello. The manager was expecting you." The receptionist scrolled through her computer screen. "The manager's office is the second door on the right," she pointed toward a dark hall. 

"Alright. Thank you!" Bob smiled sheepishly.

Walking down the corridor, Bob was low-key scared. Dark green wallpaper covered the walls, and some of the hall lights flickered. Spiderwebs clung to ancient-looking fire alarm systems. "I thought this hotel was supposed to be super modern..." Bob looked around cautiously. 

Bob slowly approached the door labeled "Manager's Office". 

"This must be the place, I guess." 

Bob knocked twice on the door, dust falling from the wood.

"You may come in," a quite husky voice called out.

Bob shivered, but this time in a good way,"Ooo, that voice is hot..." 

Slowly, Bob turned the knob, opening the door to see a black chair with a shiny dark chocolate bald head appearing at the top of it. 

"Hi, I am Bob Duncan from Bob's Bugs Be Gone Ltd.," Bob said, "You requested an appointment?"

Slowly, the chair swiveled around, revealing a handsome man. 

"Woah," Bob's pupils dilated, "This mans' mom must be proud of her work."

The mysterious man smiled, "Hi, my name is Marion Moseby...I've been expecting you."

Bob suddenly gasped. 

Marion...I know that name! Oh my god, he's-he's from my dream. The dream that started it all. The dream that changed my life. 

Moseby. Butter. Paula Deen. Shrek. 

It's him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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