his name is BOB DUNCAN!!

712 14 16

"HOLY SHIT!!!! I think I gained his trust!" I thought, pacing my room.

After I had used my powerful weapon with Bob last night, I had him taken upstairs to an empty room by one of my kinky employees.

I had had enough of Bob and did not want him my room.

My masturbation time is 3 am- I don't want anyone disturbing my only time with Mr.Duck.

I went over to my super small closet, one that only Warwick Davis would seem to be able to use, and grabbed my regular outfit- a grey suit- and picked a tie to wear.

I picked out my tie with the weed all over it, I made sure the tie I wore seemed to fit the occasion even if I had only done weed once, and looked into my special mirror- the one with peace signs and sequins all over it.

Just as I was perfecting my face, a knock came on the door. " Ughhh," I groaned,"Who is it now?" I opened the door to see one of those dickhead kids waiting.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT??!!" I roared. "Uhh, well I just wanted to show you something." He said, grinning. " I DON'T CARE IF IT'S ONE OF YOUR SLUTS OR PLAYBOY BUNNIES AGAIN!!!! QUIT WASTING MY TIME!!!" I screamed at him.

The boy wiped his face," SORRY, DID I SPIT ON YOU??!!" I yelled, making sure to spit more,"ARE YOU WET??!!"

"Well, sir, I already was."

He smirked.


I screamed.

" I came here to show something about your.... friend Bib."

"HIS NAME IS BOB DUNCAN!!!" I screamed, again. I slammed the door and went up to the boy," WHAT HAPPENED TO BOB?!!" I said calmly, well not really.

The dick started walking down the hall and, before I knew it, we walked up to Bob's room.

The door was ajar and with the room pitch black and slight moans being heard, I knew what was going on.

I walked into the room and clenched my fist when I saw one of my kinky employees rapping Bob.

I walked up to the bed and pulled the employee off Bob, yes I'm that strong, and punched him right in his dirty, twisted, gross, ugly, motherfuckin' face!!!



I looked at his face, it was that Esteban whatever-the-hell-his-name-is.

" YOU SLUT!!!!"

I threw him out the door, hitting the blonde dickhead as he flew out. I grabbed Bob, who btw now was sleeping, and pulled him out of the room, making sure to step over the unconscious dicks on the floor.

"Don't worry Bob, you'll be safe from rape when I'm round" I said, smirking to myself. ;)


I looked out the window, onlooking city-goers hustling about looking at their phones.

After I had saved Bob from that rapist, I had taken him out and quickly grabbed a taxi. If I wanted my mission to be successful, I'd have to get a move on.


I flipped open my flip phone to check the time, 14:20 (2:20).

"Perfect timing." I switched on to 'camera mode' and took a pic of Bob sleeping.

"Awwwww he had one of his hands on his dick." I smiled.

I quickly changed it to my background, before slowly shaking Bob's sexy shoulder."Bob," I shook him,"time to wake up." Bob continued to snore.

"GODDAMNIT!! BOB WAKE UP!!!" I yelled. Bob's eyes slowly opened,"oh hello Moseby." Bob sat up,"where are we?" "Well my love, we are headed to butterland." I said, sighing at the thought of it.

"SERIOUSLY??"Bob asked, excited," Amy said that place was fake, but I swear I took a trip there!"

I slithered my hand onto Bob's,"oh yes Bob, butterland is REAL!"

I looked out the window to see farmland approaching, almost to butterland. Bob suddenly started snoring, he was asleep again!! "BOB!!" I yelled,"HOW 'BOUT YOU TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL LIFE??" Bob woke up instantly.

"Well, my personal life is shit.My wife divorced me after finding me cheating with another man and-" I interrupted Bob,"who was the man?" "Dr.Phil, so-"

"OMG!!!" I squealed," I slept with him too!!"

Bob's eyes lit up,"TWINSIES!!!"

"So anyway,about my personal life,"Bob continued,"I'm divorced and have a shit job, and have to have watch 5 little shits every monday when amy goes off to do who knows what with who knows who."

Bob looked at his tacky digital watch," it's monday, oh well, I'd rather go to butterland than watch a bunch of shit kids." Bob leaned back, his beer belly showing.

I laughed, I may be somewhat ugly, but at least I don't spend my day binge-eating doughnuts till I die.

Actually.....doughnuts could be good.

I screamed at the taxi driver to stop at some bakery at the side of the street, before getting back in the car with Bob and continuing the drive to butterland.

Just as Bob was about to ingest his 15th doughnut, the taxi screeched to a stop.Bob and I looked out the window as the driver spoke, "Yo! yo here!"

A New Bug-Bob Duncan and Mr.Moseby FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now