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I hated how she always looked so fragile, make everyone want to protect her. Even more hateful
that I was included.

The way her eyes always looked so crystalline wide and innocent, it makes me fucking want to corrupt
her so badly to make her do bad things.

I hated everything about her,
maybe not everything, I surely like her body, she had the sexiest
body I've ever seen. I wanted to
hurt her badly, For making me want her despite of hating her so much.

I wanted to control everything
about her, but sometimes it
seemed she was the one
controlling me, in that makes me despise her even more. Her finger
shook as she fumbled with the
button of her shirt, her eyes wide with fear.

Damn if it didn't make my cock tightens against the flyer of my jean struggling to be let free.

She was faced down, tears running freely down her cheeks, I didn't feel the least bit sorry for her, she brought this upon herself, I clearly told her to stay away from that dick head, now they will both have to pay for it.

I was still a hell lot angry of her and she was going to get punished for disobeying me.

She finished unbuttoning her shirt but still held it against her chest.

“Drop it now!” I snapped, my impatient tone leaving no room for arguments. A whimper escape her mouth but she still obeyed,
allowing it to fall to the ground.

My breathing hitched as I stared at her half exposed breast still clad in her bra..I could make out the
outline of her nipples. Precum
oozed out of my cock and my breathing got heavier.

For someone I hate, I wasn't
supposed to want her as bad as

“The rest of it now” My voice was thick with lust. She stared up at
me, her gaze pleading probably
searching for any bit of leniency,
well she was going to be totally disappointed. She was taking so
much time, I was getting
impatient. Her skirt fell to the floor showcasing the expanse of smooth thighs.

I impatiently yanked her to me and undid the clasp of her bra, her
boobs sprung free, her dusty pink nipples bared to my gaze. She was sobbing openly now as she tried to cover them with her fingers,

She was really fucking stupid.

I threw her onto the bed and was
on her before she could catch her breath.

“J..Jungkook please don't do this
to me...” She was pleading and sobbing loudly now as she
struggled against me. Seeing her beneath me looking so helpless
only spike the fire in my loins. I pinned her both her hands, my
hips on both her sides pinning her
to the bed seizing her movements,

“Do you know why I'm punishing
you doll?” She nodded her head in acknowledgement, atleast she wasn't completely dumb.

“Use word's” I snapped menacingly and she visibly flinch.

“I allowed him talk back to
you...” She whispered, a tear
rolling down her cheeks as she
stared at me fearfully, I traced one
of her tears with my fingers before
dipping my head, catching it with
my tongue. I turned burying my
face in her neck inhaling deeply.

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