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I turned around at the familiar
voice to be met with the gaze of
my older sister or should I say former?

Ms. Jisoo Manoban

We stared at each other silently
for what felt like an eternity but
could only be few seconds in

“It's been so many years, I just
caught sight of you and...” She
trailed of breaking the silence.

Often at times in the past I had
always imagined that this day
would come when my past would catch up with my presence, about what would I do. What would I say
if I ever bump into my old family.

It was rather strange that right
now I had nothing to say.

Staring at her right now reminded
me of all the things I wanted to
forget. She looked exactly the same
as I remembered, just a little bit
older. I guess six years wasn't that
a lot of time.

“You changed, for a moment I
almost didn't recognize you.” She
spoke a smile playing on her lips.
I want nothing so much than to
leave her presence which was
exactly what I did, I ignored her
and began to walk away without
saying anything.

“Lisa wait!”

“What do you want?” I snapped
right after her. I saw something flashed across her features but
didn't ease my icy demeaner the
least bit, she wasn't expecting me
to welcome her open arm was she?

Mom is, d-dead.”

That was enough to stop me right
dead in my tracks, I slowly turned
around to met her teary eye expression whatever I expected
her to say it definitely wasn't this.

I shouldn't care.... I shouldn't feel
anything for these people who betrayed me... who sold me out
But when would I ever learn?

“—She died last week from a heart
attack” She continued. I clenched
my fingers around my bag trying
not to feel anything...but still...

“She wasn't the same anymore
after you left...”

“I left? I think that quote of you
needs to be rephrased.”

She stared at me briefly before
averting her gaze and stared downwards.“She never forgave herself for everything, believe it or not she wasn't a part of everything that happened to you... It was all
dad, do you know that he even left
us after...We had no choice but to
move back to our old town..”

I didn't want to hear this...

“You should known her better
than anyone, she even loved you
more than me...so how could sh—”

“Just stop it!” I hissed out feeling
tears gathering at the corner of
my eyes. Why was I standing here? and listen to her words in the first place?

“You really don't care at all? Not
even a least bit?” I averted my gaze from her searching ones, I took a moment to gain my reposture and met back at her gaze. “You are
right, I don't want to know
anything about your family. Sorry
but I have to leave” I clasped my
bag firmly and side stepped her.

“Her burial is next week Friday, it would be great if you make it Lisa” Her last words followed me as I walked out of the mall.

The fresh air hits my face and I
could breathe once again, just now
it had been so clogged up. I hastily made my way to the car and drove

I wipe my tears of the back of my

I don't care anymore.

It wasn't any of my business, It
wasn't. Mom was really dead? How could she died just like that...She didn't even see me for the last
time. I never even got to ask her
the reason why she gave me up so
easily after raising me for twenty years. Why did everything just end
so abruptly? I never even get a
chance to tell her how much I
hated her.

Hated them.

She had said mom wasn't part of
it . It was all lies, I shouldn't allow
myself to fall for them.

I drove a car to stop and dabbed
and my eyes, my heart was a mess
of emotions, anger and sadness
flow through my veins. Sadness at
the sense of the loss that wash
over me and anger at the fact that I still cared especially when I know
that I shouldn't.

Jisoo's words keep replaying in my
head repeatedly the whole full day,
I would often catch myself in a
daze like state. I think Lucy notice something different in me because
she's been giving me a look.

-Her burial is next week
Friday, it would be great if
you made it Lisa.’

Was I even contemplating going
back to our old town?

Seriously what's wrong with me?

I couldn't even forget not forgive
their betrayal six years ago I
almost died because of it.

Not to mention about HIM.

The thought of him discovering me
and Lucy filled me with outright
panic. I needed to be more careful
if I ever wanted to keep Lucy and
I safe.

Today I had bumped into Jisoo
she'd easily recognize me, what would I  have done if it had been Jungkook I bumped into? I couldn't ever go back even if I wanted to.

I winced aloud when I felt a sharp
pricking pain in my finger, I look
down to see it bleeding slightly, I
pushed aside the tray of unpeeled

“You cut yourself momma!” Lucy
exclaimed staring up from her
color notes. I shot her a reassuring smile as I washed my hands off in
the running tap water.

“It doesn't hurt a bit”

“You're lying again momma”

I straightened down to her height.

“You are right baby, It does hurt
momma a lot, but it will feel a lot
better if you blow on it.” I said
brushing back the hair that had
fallen over her face with my other
hand.“Then I'll blow on it, the pain will go away” She said nodding eagerly. “Better now?” She ask
staring at me hopefully like she
had just performed some magic of some sort.

I beamed brightly at her, how
could it not? Just her presence
alone was enough to cheer me up
and allow me forget the pain in my heart. Listening to Jisoo's words was a huge mistake and I felt like I would be making an even more bigger one. It only be a few hours,I will go there secretly, no one would find me out.

I will make ensure to be careful
about it.

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