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My eyes flickered open to a servere
headache, a groan escaped my
mouth as I recalled my drinking so
heavily last night. I must have
passed out from it I remembered
Myungsoo mentioned something
about a parcel with a thought in
mind I made my way out of the

There was something different
about last night, there had been no
nightmares it was as if all the dark
demons inside of me were kept on
a leash.

I had a wet dream about HER, she
had lay soft and compliant
beneath me as she took me deeper and closer into her warmth. It had
felt so real like I had touched and tasted her. I clenched my teeth
against the sudden huge sense of
loss that overwhelmed me. It
wouldn't be the first time I've had
an erotic dream about her.

Only this time it had been so real
so perfect and equally dangerous.

My whole body now crave badly
for the real thing, I closed my eyes
dragging in a long deep breath.

Not finding or knowing her whereabouts was for the best...not
for me. Never for me. It was the
best for her. She should never
allowed me to find her because
then I won't be able to stop myself.

Whatever dark feelings I have for
her only became deeper and intense as the time went by, I don't
think she'll be able to take it, I well just end up running as both. Again.

I made my way to the bathroom
and splashed water over my face
to clear my head, my whole body
tensed and paused when my gaze
caught on something as I bypassed
the mirror. I stared at the light scratches over my shoulders and chest area in confusion at first, a
deep unexplainable feeling began
to spread on my insides like
molten lava.

My head refuse to believe the possiblity even as it came.

It hadn't been a dream!

My gaze roved across the room temporarily, searching for any clue
of the possibility tha—

My breath hitched when I spotted
something black just on the foot
of the couch, I straightened down
to retrieve it.

It was some female purse.

My blood was drumming uncontrollably as I ripped it open,
the various contents fell to my
hands. The first thing my gaze lock
upon was a passport.

A hard kick situated deep in my
guts twisting the wind out of me.

How could it be...

She wasn't an imagination.. She
was real and she'd been here!

My gaze feasted on her photo like
a man starved. she was now a
short hair and everything change
about her. Whatever control I had gained over the past years just snapped, unleashing the predator
that had been set to find her all
those years ago.

She found me first..

Whatever the reason was I just
knew she made a huge mistake,
she played a very dangerous game
and just set the wolf back in the
hunt. I won't be blamed for
whatever happens this time, I
fucking tried. The remaining
contents was her driver license
and some other documents, but
why would she come and leave all these behind after hiding from me
for six years? She'd came here
found me then escaped. It doesn't matter anymore, when I get her
this time there would be no
escaping my clutches this time.


“You should come over more often
son, it's quiet boring staying there
by myself I also knew the business
is quiet busy lately.”

He cared about his family but he
was one who rarely shows his emotions. I think Myungsoo and I
got that part from him.

We discussed about business for a
while before I decided it was time
to leave. I should stay for a little
bit longer but my whole body was thrumming with impatience.

“Stay healthy father.” We gave
each other curt nods before I
stormed right outside and headed straight to my car.

“Hello..” A feminine voice spoke
from behind me, I turned around
to see Sunmi.

She was the daughter of one of our business partners, What she was doing over here at the hospital?

“I'm sending my dad's regard to
your father.” She explained.

That would say for her sudden
presence here, her dad and mine
were quiet close friends I might
even say.

“Are you leaving? I...”

“I have work.” I spoke interrupting
whatever she wad about to say.

I have something that couldn't
wait, Finding her.


“Verify that info and send me
every details about that...there
should be nothing a miss, I'll have
to hear your feedback in an hour.”
I commanded.

He nod before taking a glance at

the documents I had given to him
which consisted of her driver
license and car insurance.

“Isn't one hour a little too sma—”

“And so is your fucking life span
if you don't get back me in the fifty
nine minutes.” I snapped meaning
every word of it. He scurried out without another word while I
paced about like a cage tiger.

I kept casting impatient glances on
my wristwatch. Nearly just about
fifty minutes later my phone
binged and I wasted no time to answer it.

“Yes. Tell me.” I listened as he confirmed everything I had
ordered, the information
contained in those documentary
were correct which means—

One more thing sir, she has a kid
who I think is—”

I couldn't hear the rest of what he
said. His earlier words absorb
slowly inside my head, then
shortly after rage and jealousy
and a huge sense of betrayal unlike anything I've ever known before surge through me, firing up my
veins like molten lava it blinded
me for a moment and I could see nothing but red spots.

She fucking has a kid!

She got close to someone enough
for the damned bastard to spew
his seed deep into her depth.

But she is mine! I allowed myself
not to search for her but she was
still goddamned mine!

I don't think my body has reacted
so intensely towards anything like
I am now, maybe except when I
fucked her.


That was the only word I could
think of.

That was what I'll do.

A very slow agonizing death for
ever touching what's mine. I will
kill the fucking son of a bitch
without a doubt, then her for ever betraying me. The thought sobered me up just the smallest bit. I
wouldn't be able to kill her because that would be mean
depriving myself of her. And I'm
that selfish.

I should first of all go pay a visit.

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