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I blinked as the bright white lights
burned at my eyes.

Myungsoo blurred image slowly became clear. I stared at him as he made his way over me.

“Your awake, how do you feel?” I
lay on the bed confused for a
moment, the unmistakably smell
of antiseptics and sanitizer
filtering into my nostrils.

Why am I in a hospital?

I search my brain but everything
was blank for a moment, it took
about five seconds before it came
flooding like a surge of waters.

She'd left.

She left me..

With the thought I managed to a
sitting position, the sudden motion
making blind spots appear in my
head for a moment.“Where is
she?” I rasped, unable to keep the desperation out of my voice,my
throat dry and scratchy but that
was the last thing I care about. His gaze settled briefly on mine,
silently he walked to the nearby
stand to pour water into a glass
before making his way back over
to me.

My veins thrummed with tension
at his silence, it was unbearable.

“Have a drink, you've been unconscious for so long about
six days precisely, the doctor
said everything was fine but you
still didn't awak—”

I knocked off the glass from his outstretched hand sending it
flying against the tiled hospital
floor, the sound of it's splintering pieces echoing the whole room.

“Cut the crap! I fucking asked you
something!” I growled out and
ended off in an uncontrollably fit
of coughs. He produced another
glass of water and a haste and was
by my side the next second, I grudgingly accepted it from him.
My patched throat eased as I down
the entire glass and handle it back
to him.

“You are still recovering, do you
want me to send for the doctor?
Dad was worried sick, he only left
a moment ago, I was also worried.
Your life was at a risk only because
of her—”

“Where is she!” I repeated pinning
him with a hardened gaze.

“I think you already know. She's

“Don't fucking say it!” The sound
escaped my throat as I struggled to
get off the bed. I already knew
what he was about to say but I couldn't bear to have it confirmed.

His expression was grim as he
continued anyway.

“Lie still, you are only going to
reopen your wounds, she's
already left. Never coming back.
You should focused on getting well now.” He spoke in a casual caring
tone but I don't want any of that.

Right now I felt like my insides
were being pricked by a million

“No!” I choked on a harsh breath.

“I understand you are hurt but
you still have to recover”

“You don't understand, this pain
means nothing, I just want her...
she can't leave me..I...I...” She was
the only person I crave for the wrenching pain couldn't even compete with my bullet wound.
Even if I was shot a thousand
times more.“Just calm down, your condition is only going to get
worse if you keep being like this”

“You don't understand, I can't
fucking live without her...”

“You'll get over her, she's just one
person and she's dangerous to
your well being, I told you before
that whatever you feel for her is
unhealthy, it's ruining you.”

“Damn you!” I clenched out, a
bead of sweat forming on my forehead. My knuckles turned
white from gripping the edge of
the bed too tightly.

I wanted to kill somebody, destroy
everything. Every nerve in my
body throbbed with it.. but I was
still too weak, I was draining out
with everything little effort. I
couldn't even straighten myself
to my feet.

Lying her so helpless was worse
than death itself.

Just like the other night she'd left me.

It feel like my insides were cover
by a dark smoke that was
threatening to choke me up from
the deep within.

“You don't know shit! unhealthy or
not I want her back with me, she's
fucking mine!” I breathe out
panting heavily. Our heated gaze
clashed against each other willing
to break the stare. “It was you. You
helped her leave, you're supposed
to be my brother!” He stared at me
not bothering on denying the fact.

“I did what I did you're my brother
also dad was here. He knew you
were injured because of her, if he

“Bullshit!” I snapped cutting him
off whatever he was about to say.

He sure as hell didn't deny helping
her leave but I'll be damned if I
listen to any frigging excuse he
had to give.

“There's no excuse and you know
it. You were already planning this
before we bursted in on Matteo, I
being unconscious only presented
the right opportunity isn't that

His silence was the answer I

He took a quick breath running
his fingers through his hair, a look
of frustration crossed his face.

“I only wanted to help you get rid
or your weakness, you could have
died. You are my brother, how
could I not care about you? You
could have fucking died!” He grounded out, I close my eyes
trying to keep even on my breaths. Even now the need to see her
burned through my veins.

He was fucking wrong.

This craving, obsession and dark
desire that seeks to burn me from
within. It's run too deeply, even on
to the innermost darkest part of
me, it couldn't be gotten rid of that
easily it wouldn't end until we are
both consumed by the flames.

“She doesn't want you, that why
she choose to leave. You fucking
want her back? Then you gotta get
up from this goddamn bed and
stand on your feet once again.”

“I'll go tell dad you're awake” With
that he turned and left and quick
strides, slamming the door close
behind him. I allowed myself to
fall back on the bed and closed my eyes as the weakness settled in.

The corner of my eyes prickled
with a burning sensation, I drag in
deep breaths, the darkness was closing in on me. At the end it was
me who got broken, she took my
very soul along with her into the
night she left.

Myungsoo was only right about
one thing, I need to get back of my feet, I need to recover completely.

Then I'm going to find her no
matter how long it takes.

The world is too small too hide her
from me forever.

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