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I lay on the bed naked, spent and
sore. Every bit of my body ached
especially the areas between my
legs. He left his mark wherever he
touch, the old bruises hadn't gone
completely and he'd taken it upon
himself to add fresh ones. Exerting
the fact that I belong to him.

Sadly enough a huge part of me
was starting to believe him...

I was going to be stuck with him forever. A sea of emotions washed through me, the predominant of
all was disappoinment and
confusion in myself. I don't know what I'm doing anymore, he's
already seen through my little act.

His eyes were closed, his breath
even, but somehow knew he
wasn't sleep. I still wonder where
he had gone with the gun after I
got that horrific picture message.
The image of hooded figure I had
seen staring at us earlier today flashed through my brain. Was he
the stalker? Or maybe I mistaken, even if so who was he?

Then why me??

I release a shuddering breath, my
eyes trailing photo futures. He
really could be nice when he
wanted to,... or he could be kiss

A shedded shook me as I
remembered the night hed first
taken me, it still gave me
goosebumps until now.

Had he murdered anyone? I surely
saw the intent at in his eyes when
he'd stormed off. I cringed at the thought that I had told him to
touch me, with hand that probably
just murder someone.

He gazed flickered open and that
moment and met mine, his fingers
gently trailed my bottom lips.

“Who are you Jungkook?” I
whispered out before I could stop myself. He look surprised by my sudden question for a moment.

No. I couldn't just stop asking, I
blurted out all the questions
running through my mind without
a moment of pause. “What kind of
the business does, your family do? Where did you go with the gun

“It isn't any of your concern! Don't
poke your nose into my business.”
He snapped.

I don't know why I felt hurt by his
sharp tone. He was right, it wasn't
any of my concern if I don't know
anything it would be easier when I finally get the opportunity to leave.

“I'm s..sorry I shouldn't have
asked” I said and a low tone. I
closed my eyes but I could still feel
his gaze on me.

Moment later he muttered a curse
in flung of the covers.

“I'm sorry for yelling at you. I
mean” He mumbled.

I stared at him completely short
of word's..

He was apologizing to me?

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