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I kissed her forehead, I was glad
that she was okay. Her gaze focus
on something behind me and her
face lit up in a huge smile.

“Uncle Jungkook!”

My heart lurched in my throat in
full panic as she raced towards
him wrapping her arms around
his legs. My stomach tightened
and sank even deeper and despair
when he scoop her up into his
arms with surprisingly gentleness.

“Hey princess, how are you?”

She'd always been accepting and
friendly towards everyone, I
always love that about her, until
now I only want to protect her..
I didn't want her to get hurt in
any way even not physically but

Any situation but this the sight of
a father and his daughter would
have melted my heart but all I
wanted right now was to rip her
from his arms in this very
moment, I wanted to protect her
from every threatening danger
with every fiber of my being. His
dark gaze met mine at that
moment, his gaze was daring as
if he could read through me.

“Thank you Mrs Zyi, you can
leave now, I'll handle it from here.”

For the second time I noticed the
middle aged looking woman that
had appearing along Lucy out
of the house.

She shot me a small smile but I
was in no condition to return it, I
just wanted to flee as far as
possible with my daughter.

He approached in a long strides
into the house still carrying Lucy
in his arms, I had no other choice
but to follow after them. She shattered on like he was her
friend totally oblivious to my

I wouldn't get myself to try to
make an escape, I wouldn't even
get far during our drive I noticed
it had been quiet isolated, the
nearest house would be about a
thirty minutes drive and even if I
tried a doubt I won't be able to
make it past the gate.

While we were still outside I
couldn't help but noticed the way
the whole surroundings were
tightly lidded with security, I bet
even a fly  wouldn't get past
without them knowing About it.


Dinner was so tensed, I could feel
his gaze boring holes in me the
whole time, I didn't even get time
to listen to Lucy's endless chatter
when his burning gaze threatened
to consume me where I sat.

“Are we going back home
momma? Uncle Jungkook said we
are going to live her from now on.”

I stared up at him and sure
enough his gaze was still on me,
I swallowed hard before
redirecting my gaze to Lucy. I
couldn't practically tell her that
she and I were kidnapped by her father and that I had no choice
but to stay here with him.

“Don't you like it here? There are
so many rooms for you to play
around in.” She shot me a toothy
grin which didn't last long like
she'd suddenly remembered something. “Then what about
Uncle Seok? Will he also come
and stay her with us?”

Her innocent question filled the
air with even more tension, It
was so choking that it was hard
for me to draw in a breath.

I didn't know why I chose that
opportunity to meet his gaze
again, this time his hardened
gaze sent a shudder through me

“No he won't, now finish your
meal and stop asking will you?”

I was grateful when it she
resumed back on her meal and
opted to talk to Jungkook instead,
at least it helped distract his gaze from me.

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