Chapter 6

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The next day, Will wakes up to see his wife sleeping peacefully in bed. He gently strokes her cheek and watches her sleep.

Lily wakes up and smiles at her husband. Good morning.

Will. Good morning. How did you sleep?

Lily. I slept well. How about you?

Will. I also slept well.

Rapunzel comes into her parents' room with tears down her cheeks.

Will. Hey sweet girl. Are you still hurting?

Rapunzel. Yeah. The bad man hurt me really bad. Why did he do that to us? Why did he rape us?

Lily. Because he wants me to have his children and be his wife. And he doesn't care about how others feel and certainly not children. And he cares the least about the feelings of female children. He believes that women are sex dolls that can be used and given to someone else when he is done. And you know what, I am still hurting down there as well.

Will. I'm sorry this happened to you both. I tried to get there as quick as I could, but I did finally get there in time to save you from going through it again. How about we stay in bed today and watch TV?

Rapunzel. Yeah. She reaches her hands up for Will to pick her up.

Will picks her up and gently sets her down between him and Lily.

Will. What do you want to watch?

Rapunzel. The little mermaid!

Lily. Alright. She picks up the movie from where it was in the stack on the nightstand and gives it Will. He puts the movie in, and sits back down next to Rapunzel.

An hour later, the movie ends and the family is finished with the breakfast that was brought to them. The maid comes in and takes the dishes to the kitchen to be cleaned. Rapunzel and Lily are able to move around, but still have a little bit of discomfort.

The family goes on an afternoon walk through the gardens. Rapunzel picks flowers from the garden to take inside. Once the family finishes their walk, they go back inside and Rapunzel and Lily sit on the couch. Will takes the flowers, cleans them off, and puts them into a vase filled with soil, and waters the flowers. He puts the vase on the window sill so that they can get some sunlight.

Will goes over to his family and sits down on the couch with them. At that moment, the page boy comes over to them and gives them a letter.

Lily takes the letter and thanks the page boy. She opens the letter and reads it.

Dear Mr. And Mrs. And Ms. Johnson,

I am pleased to announce that Mr. James Edward has been found and is now in prison for raping Lillian and Rapunzel. My deepest condolences for the horrible act bestowed upon them.


George Lopez

Will, Lily, and Rapunzel give a sigh of relief. They are happy that their enemy James Edward is in prison and no longer able to get to them and hurt them.

The family has lunch and plays several board games and then before long, they have dinner and get ready for bed. They had spent the entire day at home so that Lily and Rapunzel could rest and heal. Once they are changed into their nightclothes, the family gets into their respective beds and pull the covers over them and fall asleep.

Two weeks later,  Rapunzel and Lily are completely healed and able to move around with no discomfort at all.

Lily is cooking bacon, eggs, grits, and toast. Everything is ready except for the eggs. She is almost finished with the eggs, when she feels an overwhelming urge to be sick. She turns the stove off and rushes to the bathroom. She kneels in front of the toilet and empties the contents of her stomach.

Will comes into the bathroom and holds her hair away from her face and gently rubs her back. A few minutes later, Lily finishes and washes her face and hands, and brushes her teeth. The two of them go into the dining room and have breakfast. Rapunzel takes the eggs off of the table so that her mother wouldn't smell them.

Lily. Rapunzel dear, you didn't have to take the eggs off the table. I wouldn't have minded you eating the eggs.

Rapunzel. But I didn't want you to feel sick during the entire breakfast.

Will. That is so sweet. You are such an amazing and wonderful and kind and caring and selfless and compassionate and loving and generous and courageous and strong and understanding and beautiful young girl.

Lily. You truly are, and mommy and daddy love you very much.

Will. Yes we do.

Rapunzel. And I love you both very much.

The family finishes their breakfast and goes out to town. They walk around and go to several shops and buy clothes, have ice cream, and go to the beach. They spend several hours running around in the sand, building sandcastles, and swimming in the ocean. They finish, and go to a restaurant to have lunch.

Their lunch consists of chicken strips, macaroni and cheese, apple slices, and water. After they finish their lunch, Will orders a chocolate cake for the three of them to share.

The cake arrives and everyone takes a slice of cake. Everyone has two slices of cake, but Lily has a third slice for herself.

Lily. Sorry if I'm being a pig. I just feel extra hungry today for some odd reason.

Will. That's perfectly fine. You are allowed to eat as much as you want. I don't want either of you feeling hungry from not having enough food.

Rapunzel. And I want you and daddy to be able to have enough food so that you both are happy.

Lily. That's what I want for the two of you as well. For all three of us really.

After dessert, the family makes their way back to their castle to put away the clothes that they bought.

They arrive home and have everything put away. Will turns on the TV and they watch Jessie for a while. 20 minutes later, dinner is ready and they eat.

After dinner is finished, Will and Lily put Rapunzel to bed and then snuggle with each other under the covers.

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