Chapter nine

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Princess Justice POV

I laughed. "Alya, your betrayal ruined me more than anyone else's." she said. "so fuck you for betraying me and fuck Lila for lying about me and fuck this whole fucking city for betraying me. I can't have your  miraculous to change it? I'll just fucking end my memories."

"NO!" Cat Noir screamed.

"Chat what is she going to do?" Rena asked

"She's going to give up the miraculous box." Chat answered. "STOP HER PLEASE!" He grabbed me from behind. 

Black Tears streamed down my face. "I, Ladybug, Release my hold on the miraculous box and pass it on to Cat Noir." she cried softly.

"NO!" Chat screamed as the purple cloud turned me back to normal.

Lila's POV

I looked at the TV shocked. This wasn't supposeed to happen. 

On the TV, I watched Cat Noir take Ladybug's earrings. "Tikki..." he said slowly. "I'm so sorry about this happening." Who's Tikki?"

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