Miss Perfectionist

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Chapter one

Lila's point of view

Tears fell down her face. She regrets what she did... lying to turn everyone against Marinette... causing the girl to give up her memories... causing Ladybug to give up. She'd been so much of a bully that she'd caused the fall of Paris's greatest hero.

"You are a piece of shit," one student said to her in an agitated and angry tone. "You ruined her life.'

Marinette walked over to Lila. "Leave her alone," she said sternly. "She regrets what she did... isn't that enough?"

"She made you lose your memories." One student said.

"I Don't care. I don't think anyone deserves to be bullied to the point where they want to kill themselves." She glared. "Stop being mean to Lila."

The student sighed, "fine." They walked away.

"Why are you defending me?" Lila asked, confused.

"I don't condone bullying," Marinette answered. "You have clearly regretted whatever actions have caused them to start messing with you. Let's go for a walk. I'd like to hear your side of the story. I've heard everybody else's but I'd love to hear yours."

Lila nodded silently. "Okay but it'll probably match up with everybody else's. I was just a huge liar and a bully to you."

"If you were, you obviously regret it. Also, the others aren't so innocent either. Adrien told me about them leaving me for your lies." Marinette explained. "Why did you lie?" They began to walk through a forest by the school.

"I can't make an excuse... I'm a liar. I lied about you being a bully to me and stuff like you pushing me down the stairs... stealing stuff from me and a lot more. I was jealous of you. I still shouldn't have done it. You got akumatized because of me... you let go of your memories."

"Adrien won't explain what that means. How do I just... let go of memories?" She asked.

"You were Ladybug, A superhero." LIla answered. "You had control of a bunch of jewelry that held magical powers." She looked down. "I didn't know you were Ladybug until it was too late. If I had known, I never would have lied about anything. I just wanted an interesting life. I'm sorry."

Marinette looked sympathetic. "I can understand jealousy. I don't get why you were jealous of me though. I'm sorry for making you feel bad."

"Don't apologize to me," Lila insisted. "I did everything wrong to you."

"Would you like to try to be friends?" Marinette asked.

"Realy?" Lila sounded confused. "I would love to try."

Chapter two

Marinette took Lila to her bakery and gave her some cupcakes and croissants. It took some persuading to let Lila have something from the bakery. Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-cheng were still upset about everything Lila did. Eventually, Marinette persuaded them.

"Let's go back to school," Lila said timidly, quite enjoying hanging out with her new friend. It still amazed her how nice Marinette was.

They arrived at school a few minutes early, in time for class.

Adrien eyed her. "What are you doing with Lila?" he asked.

"Lila is my new friend," Marinette answered. "She's changed. It doesn't help that everyone is bullying her." she looked back at Adrien. "Give her a second chance."

"She made you give up your memories."

"Then, maybe losing my memories was for the best. I'm probably happier now than I ever was in the past. I doubt being a hero was easy."

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