Chapter four

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Marinette was always able to get away from me and I couldn't find out where she was going. Every now and then, I saw her and Ladybug talking about something after an akuma attack.

I couldn't hear what they were discussing, which only succeeded in making me more annoyed and, therefore, more dangerous.

Alya walked up to them with me by her side. "Hey, Mari." she said, then said to Ladybug exactly what Marinette and I expected her to. "Can I have an interview?"

Ladybug sighed. "Alya, I'm sorry. I am really busy." she said."There's not much I can do for your blog at this point."

Alya looked disappointed. "I just want to ask a few questions." she said.

The hero sighed. "I can do it now." she said reluctantly.

I smiled, "I would love to ask a few questions as well."

She gave me a glare that was quickly gone. "Okay." she said, clearly frustrated.


Alya stood in front of the camera as I held it. "Hello, viewers. We're here with the one and only Ladybug." she said smiling. "I have a few questions I would like to ask."

Ladybug nodded grimly. "Ask away." she failed to sound camera-happy.

"Is it true that the miraculous have been used for hundreds of years?" Alya asked.

Ladybug had a good poker face that only an experienced liar could see through. "Not often." she said.

"The last time used was about 200 year ago." Alya said. "Correct?"

Ladybug nodded. "That is all I can confirm about the miraculous." she told Alya.

I asked, "I assume you're just as strong and amazing in real life." I smirked.

"Nobody is perfect." she glared. "Especially me. Just because someone is a hero does not make them perfect."

I honestly couldn't believe how shocked Alya looked at how Ladybug wasn't perfect. I nearly rolled my eyes.

Marinette didn't ask any questions but she annoyed me to pieces by just being there.  I kept videoing anyway.

"How different are you as a civilian?" Alya asked.

"I can't answer that." she said. "Giving personal information is against the rules of being a Parisian hero." Alya nodded in understanding. "That is all I have time for." she told Alya. "I apologize for not being able to answer more."

Alya recorded Ladybug leaving, "And that, viewers, concludes our meeting with Ladybug." she turned the camera off.

"In America, the heroes reveal their identities, so why can't Ladybug and Cat Noir?"" I asked.

"I don't know." she said. "But she has her reasoning."

"Not to be rude, Alya, but she could be hiding something. Imagine if she was Marinette." I told her, not completely believing it.

"No way." Alya said. "Marinete is way too clumsy." As soon as she said it, she added. "Not that it is a bad thing."

Marinette didn't look hurt at all. Her poker face was good. "Yeah, Lila. Ladybug rarely trip over everything and is perfect." she said. "I'm her exact opposite." she narrowed her eyes. "I have to go now that school is out." She walked away from us.

I glared after her for a moment, then looked at Alya. "Something is up with her."

Alya nodded. "I am pretty sure the way I said she couldn't be Ladybug hurt her."

"We always gossip about who could and most definitely could not be Ladybug though." I said. "Why does she act like it doesn't hurt her?"

"She was never a part of that gossip." Alya explained. "She is always off doing who-knows-what."

I nodded. "Should we talk to her if she is hurt?"

"If she's upset, she has a tendency to stay silent about it." She told me. "So yeah. We don't want her akumatized."

I nodded. But that is exactly my plan.

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