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ELIZABETH let out a groan of pain, shooting a glare to the one who made her trip

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ELIZABETH let out a groan of pain, shooting a glare to the one who made her trip. charlie conway. "watch where you're going, banks." the young boy snarled, giving her a look of annoyance, before walking away with his posse. she simply rolled her eyes at the boy, before putting herself back onto her own two feet.

"what a prick." she grumbled, walking down the halls of minnesota high school. the voices of elizabeth's classmates filled the classroom as she walked into it, settling herself down in the hard seats. her books made a loud thud, earning questionable stares from the rest of the students.

she only ignored, listening as her teacher started to ramble on about their up and coming science project. elizabeth didn't mind science, but it wasn't her favourite. so, she never payed much attention when it wasn't needed.

her gaze on the ground was broken by the teacher calling her name, making her shoot a look up. "elizabeth? are you even listening?" the old woman growled, staring down at the blonde with her hands on her hips. elizabeth gave her a dull look, slowly nodding her head. the female just waved her off, going back to her lecture.

eliza continued to ignore, fiddling with her fingers. she felt a stare grow on her, making her raise her head up to see one certain brunette boy, staring right at her. the two made eye contact, his eyes were soft, and calm when he stared. but, he quickly turned that look, into a glare. eliza sent him back a disgusted look, scoffing to herself. 'what an idiot.' she thought, going back to her lonesome self.

the day finally came to an end, the bell blaring through the speakers, making students shoot up from their seats. eliza was one of the first out, wanting to escape the classroom as quick as she could. she swiftly went out the door, her white, dirty converses slightly squeaking against the floor. as she made it out, she was met by her twin, adam banks.

"hey, el!" he smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "hi, a." she giggled, snuggling herself into his side. "how was class?" his eyebrows furrowed, waving and nodding to the people who said hi to the twins. they wouldn't call themselves popular, more just, well known around their town, their school. they were well known everywhere.

the rest of the team soon to join them, which caused the two twins to send them smiles. "could've been better." she simply shrugged, walking towards her locker. the team, and adam joining her. they all started up random conversations, mostly about hockey. eliza was in the middle of a conversation with jake larson, when the voice of adam shot through the halls.

"hey, district five! we'll see you guys at the game in three weeks." adam pointed towards the group walking down the hall, winking at their captain, charlie conway. "never been more excited, banks. don't forget to polish your skates before you go onto the ice. or, will your dad just buy you, and blondie new ones?" the brunette shot back, earning glares from the twins. the district five team let out snickers, giggling their ways down the hall.

eliza's eyes were set on charlie, watching him strut down the hall like he owned the school. for a boy that sucked at hockey, he sure was confident. he felt her stare, gaining her eye contact. her chocolate browns, staring right into his green eyes. the anger one another felt for each other, was strong. something about charlie conway made elizabeth's blood boil. she hated the boy, and he hated her. the feeling was mutual.

his stare turned into a glare, once again. she returned it, but it slowly broke as her eyes landed one certain blonde boy. guy germaine. her eyes trailed up and down his body, before landing on his eyes. he caught her sight, giving her a small smile. she returned it, before being yanked away by her brother, and the team. "we're going to mickeys." adam lowly spoke tightening his grip on her bicep. she only nodded, turning her head to stare at the district five team again, before rushing her way to the diner.

the team all sat themselves in the booth, starting their own conversations with one another. they ordered their food, finishing up decently quick. all of them had to be home, just to do homework and rest up for practice tomorrow. it was a fairly good day. they all said their goodbyes, before breaking apart. adam and eliza walked in silence, noticing their neighbourhood come into sight. they sped up their walking, before it was starting to become a race.

the two teenagers broke into a big grin, looking at each other, and breaking into a run. they raced down the street to the dark blue house they called home, running into the driveway. elizabeth was the one to beat adam. she may be shorter, but don't under estimate her. she'll beat someone at their own game, anytime.

she let out a breathy laugh, staring at her brother with a big smile. "god, dammit." he whispered, shaking his head as he opened the door. the sound of male voices was what the twins heard as they entered the house, making them share odd looks with furrowed eyebrows. "who's here?" eliza mumbled, peaking her head around to notice three men, all standing around the kitchen island. immediately, the twins recognized one voice, skyler banks. the two broke into smiles, seeing the men turn around to face them.

their older brother broke into the same big smile, smiling ear to ear. he opened up his arms for them to run into, which they gladly did. "you're back!" adam giggled, wrapping arms around his brother. he nodded his head in response, tightening his grip around them. "oh, i missed you guys." he laughed into eliza hair, snuggling his face into it. "we missed you too." eliza whispered, closing her eyes as she took a moment to be in her brothers arms.

the twins loved their brother, a lot. he was the one person who understood how to handle their dad, better than they did. he was barely around anymore since he went to high school at eden hall, all the way in oregon. it was an amazing opportunity, so they didn't blame him for taking it. all they wished was for their brother to be happy.

skyler slowly broke away from the two, the same smile still stuck on his face. "guys, i want you to meet someone. this, this is rick riley." skyler pointed to a tall, dark haired boy. eliza and him seemed to make eye contact immediately. he sent her a small smile, causing her to return it. "it's nice to meet you two." he muttered, waving their way. they only nodded, before turning to their father. "kids, you should go to bed. it's late, and you have hockey practice." their father demanded, earning a muttered, 'ok'

the two sent small smiles to their brother, and his friend, before rushing up the stairs.

✔︎  10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU, Charlie Conway ¹Where stories live. Discover now