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ELIZA mumbled curses, anger boiling up inside her as she thought of ways to get out of this situation without getting in trouble

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ELIZA mumbled curses, anger boiling up inside her as she thought of ways to get out of this situation without getting in trouble. charlie seemed to notice her frantic behaviour, causing him to quickly try to calm himself down. "listen, okay? we just need to find a phone, and we'll be fine." charlie sent her a comforting smile. she only nodded, facing towards the empty front desk.

charlie took long strides next to her, making his own way towards the red desk phone. charlie gripped onto the phone, quickly dialling the number eliza assumed, was his households phone. she sat herself on top of the hard wood, fiddling with her fingers as she thought of the scenarios that could happen with her father. she knew he couldn't find out that she was studying with charlie, specially if adam didn't know either. he would frown upon her, looking down at the banks girl as if she was nothing.

he seemed to be disgusted by the conways, she never knew why. maybe it was charlie's father, eliza knew him and her father had unspoken business, but he seemed to never bring it up in front of her or adam.

eliza listened as the conway boy ranted through the phone to his mother, explaining to her the situation they are put in. she seemed to understand, causing the conway boy to hang up. the older woman seemed kind, and loving. eliza only wished she had such a sweet mother, like charlie did.

she noticed the boy handed her the phone, she sent him a blank face, but was secretly grateful. she put the item up to her ear, dialling her home phones number. she listened as the phone rang, and rang, until the line ended. she frowned to herself, looking down at her watch. her father probably wasn't home, working late. and adam, he was probably out with friends, or with skyler and rick.

eliza put the phone back on its stand, frowning to herself as she let out a shaky breath. charlie sent her a sad look, staring at the blonde as the sunsets light hit her golden hair. he couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked in that moment, but pushed those thoughts aside. "hey, i'm sure my mom can bring you home, or something." charlie shrugged, causing eliza to look up at him. she only shook her head, hopping off the desk. "no, it's fine. i'll walk."

charlie rolled her eyes at what she was saying, leaning himself against the wood. he crossed his arms, watching as she stood awkwardly. "i offer to take you home, and you don't even say thank you? sorry, i'm trying to be a decent person." eliza scoffed at this, looking up at the boy in shock. "and i'm being a decent person, not making you drag your poor mother all the way across town. i can fend for myself, thanks." she sent him a fake smile, walking towards the library doors.

"really? don't get mad at me, banks. you were the one who told me to meet you at this stupid library." charlie spat her way. she sent him an angered look, her jaw clenching. charlie watched her furrowed eyebrows, with her tongue poking at the inside of her cheek. "sorry, i didn't think we'd get locked in." she hissed at the brunette, only for him to slowly nod his head with annoyance on his face. he shuffled away, settling himself down on a small seat in the back of the library.

the two had sat in silence, refusing to look at each other as the tension in the room was high. eliza had no idea when charlie's mother was coming, but in all honesty, she didn't care. she just hoped it was soon, and she'd be able to be back before her father noticed she was gone for long.

after about fifteen minutes of silence, she finally felt a stare set on her. she only ignored, trying her best not to meet his eyes, but failed. she chewed at the bottom of her lip, slowly turning to face him. her brown orbs met his dark greens, staring into her like he was almost imagining something, but she wasn't sure what. her softened stare, soon turned into a glare as she snapped herself out of the hell she was being put through with just staring at the conway back.

she hopped off the desk she sat on top of, crossing her arms. "stop staring, conway." he gave her a narrowed eye look, straightening himself out. "don't flatter yourself, banks. i was only imagining the poor souls that have to put up with your sorry ass everyday." he smirked her way, causing her to roll her eyes. "please, what poor souls? you act as if i'm hated by everyone in the school. oh wait, that's you." eliza smirked, earning a scoff from charlie. "no one hates me." he grumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

"no, they just prefer me, over you." eliza edged, earning a low growl from charlie. "at least i can get a relationship." charlie sent her an amused look, before she gave him an annoyed look. "relationships are overrated." charlie laughed at this, pushing himself off the chair he sat on, striding towards the banks female. "you only say that because you know you can't even have one. not even someone dumb enough as me would ever want to be in a relationship with a person like you." charlie spat, throwing his hands in the air.

eliza quickly made her way towards him, looking up at him with fury in her eyes. "you are the last person in this world that i would ever be in a relationship with." eliza frowned, charlie's emotion shifted, staring at her with sadness, but held up his anger. the two seemed to have a harden staring contest, before a knock came from the door. they whipped their heads, seeing charlie's mother standing there, with what seemed to be the owner of the library. she sent small smiles to the children, before the keys in the locks turned.

eliza shoved charlie away, walking towards her bag of things. he rolled his eyes at her antics, gripping onto his own items of things, the two ignored each other's presence. eliza made her way towards the conway female, a sad smile on her face. the woman had the brightest look, immediately seeming like she'd be the sweetest person eliza had ever met. "hi, i'm eliza banks." the blonde introduced, holding her hand out of the redhead female to take.

she obliged. eliza got a sniff of her scent, immediately taking in the sweet cinnamon smell. "oh, i know who you are, darling. charlie talks about you quite a lot." the older woman winked, slightly leaning in so charlie wouldn't hear, which of course, he did. charlie's face turned into a horrified one, his body stiffening as eliza turned his way, a shocked look on. "ok, come on you two! i'm taking eliza home, charlie, you'll be joining us." casey hopped, rummaging in her purse for her keys.

eliza's eyebrows had furrowed, she quickly shook her head. "no, no, ma'am, it's okay. i'll walk." eliza smiled, earning a certain look only mothers give to their children. eliza's heart warmed at this, missing having a mothers presence around her. "oh, honey, please. let me drive you home, i'm sure it's not to far. charlie can suck it up and sit in the back." eliza giggled at the woman's words, looking down at her feet. charlie let out a shocked breath, shaking his head. "what? no! that's not fair, mom."

casey quickly shushed him, gripping onto the banks girl and leading her to the car. eliza sent charlie a snarky look, shrugging towards him. he sent her an unamused look, continuing to protest his argument with the seating arrangement. casey only ignored him, starting up multiple conversations with the banks female. for the first time in eliza's life, especially in a while, she felt safe. she felt as happy as she did when her mother was around, and that's all she needed to block out her father and life back home.

it was so odd, that charlie seemed so hostile towards her in some moments, then others he's staring at her like he's in a daydream. but why? she always wondered, why?

how do we feel abt this💀

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