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THE bright lights of the ice rink shined down on top of the teenagers who all stood in straight lines, all giving one another deadening glares

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THE bright lights of the ice rink shined down on top of the teenagers who all stood in straight lines, all giving one another deadening glares. Eliza stood in front of Adam — and behind Guy. Today was the day that the Ducks would go up against the Hawks. It was the final game to determine whether or not Adam and Eliza were allowed to stay on the Ducks or not. This decision would be made by their father — of course. So, Eliza's nerves were high. Especially since the team had made it known to her that they were counting on her for this victory win.

Eliza's eyes turned over to the Hawks that were glaring at her, noticing the smirks on their faces. She scowled at them, mentally flipping them off. Once the crowd finished singing the star-spangled banner — Bombay ushered the group to their box, making them all do as they were told.

"You nervous?" Charlie joined Eliza's side, as she shook her head.


"No." He shook his head. They both knew one another was lying, making Charlie's hand hold Eliza's, not caring about everyone around. She faintly smiled, looking down at their fingers that weren't covered by hockey gloves. The two skidded to a stop, turning to one another. "You'll do great, Elle. Don't think about your dad, or Adam. Just focus on yourself." Charlie pep-talked her, as she nodded in agreement.

"Same for you." She nudged his shoulder, making him smile down at her. "Let's go kick some Hawk ass."

Charlie chuckled at her. "That's my girl." He muttered, before helping her step in the box, joining the team as they were mid cheer; quacking. Finishing said cheer, the team members headed out onto the ice. Eliza slid her helmet down, looking at the crowd in worry. She was incredibly nervous for today, not wanting to let anyone down.

"Hey, Banksie twins." Adam and Eliza heard from behind them, making the two turn to Jesse. "Don't forget what side you're on." Jesse hissed, as Eliza and Adam gave one another a look — no, they hadn't made up. But today was about teamwork, at least they were civil about that.

Skating out to the middle of the rink, Eliza crouched down in front of McGill. Her eyes narrowed, glaring at the boy in anger. Eliza's eyes then fell onto the black puck just as the whistle rang, making her quickly catch it. She was swift to pass McGill and Larson — who tried knocking her down right away. Eliza was a good skater. No — a great skater. She knew that, and that's what made her so confident. Confidence was key to hockey, she also knew that.

She let herself be confident, easily gliding with the puck in her grasp through the rink. She was quick to dodge the Hawks that were trying to knock her down, and once she was at a good distance to shoot the puck; she did. It landed cleanly in the net, making cheers erupt throughout the crowd. A smile caressed her face, looking around at the hawks who were angrily staring her way. She lifted her hand up, waving at them as she sent a wink there way. Her smile was cheeky, as she skated towards the Ducks.

The game was halfway over when the Hawks made their first goal. Eliza had been successful throughout the entire game — until the Hawks caught her in an awkward position, giving them the chance to throw her right into the wall of the rink. Currently, Eliza was leaning against the wall of the box in a sitting position, sipping on her water as she listened to Bombay's pep talk.

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