Name: Roslyn - Species: Unknown 24

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"You're so young," I said blankly, ignoring the hand. "You can't be more than two years older than me."

"I'm a demon Roslyn, this is my form, my age is very different," he dropped the hand, still smiling; but a speck of annoyance jumped into his eyes. He was just like his father, he didn't like to be made look stupid or be ignored in any way, shape or form. It was hilarious.

"So how old are you?" I crossed my arms.


"Will I stop aging?" I asked. I needed to find out as much about myself as I could, and asking people questions seemed the only real way to go about it.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Probably since your mother and I both did around the end of our teens."

"What did she look like?" I asked suddenly. Despite knowing that she abandoned me, I couldn't help but want to know more.

"That doesn't matter," Craven said angrily. "She did not wish to stay in this family, she has nothing to do with you now."

"She was my mother!" I exclaimed stubbornly. "She has as much to do with me as you do!"

"She doesn't love you."

That struck hard. It was still hard to accept that my mother hadn't wanted to stick around. But if she had kept me for five years then she must have loved me... at least a little. There could have been a situation that made her leave... yes. That had to be what happened.

"How much do you really know about why she left?" I demanded. "Malrik said she never wanted me, but how do I know that's true?"

"You don't believe me?" Craven's eyes grew angry.

"I don't even know you."

"I am your father!"

"Well you weren't much of one!" I yelled back, heart pounding. It was true. I'd been so excited to see my family, to know I even had family... but how much did I really know about any of them? They were demons, that's it, all I knew.

"That's because we had no idea where you were," Craven took a step towards you. "It was a very complicated situation, but Roslyn I have always wanted to see you. You should have been raised here."

"I can't know that until I meet her." There was a certainty in my voice that I didn't even know I had. It was the truth though... I had a feeling in my gut that I had to meet my mother to know the truth. That these men were lying to me. Father or not, he wasn't telling me the truth.

"Well I doubt that we'll ever be able to find her," Craven shrugged, striding over to a desk and sitting on it.

"What's her name?" I asked, determined.

"Does it really matter?" Craven, crossed his arms, staring me down.

"What is her name?" I repeated, not liking the way he was dodging the question.


"No it's not," anger stirred in me. "You're lying."

"So what if I am?" he glared at me.

"What are you hiding?" I grit my teeth.

"A lot," he smirked. "But you'll never find out what it is."

He was arrogant, rude, infuriating. Like an evil demon version of Mak. I instantly knew that we were not going to have a good father daughter relationship. Well at least I knew who I was now. Now I could focus my energy into finding my mother and her side of the story. I wouldn't be satisfied until I knew exactly what really happened. I had a feeling that an angel may be a little more truthful.

"I can see why my mother left you."

As soon as I said that, his expression darkened. I knew I'd struck a nerve.

"Figures you'd take after her," Craven muttered darkly.

"Yeah," I crossed my arms. "I guess I'm more angelic than you'd like."

"No matter," he shrugged. "It doesn't make any difference."

"How do you figure that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're not going anywhere Roslyn."

"Yeah, good luck with that." I turned and walked out of the door before he could say another word, slamming the door behind me.

I walked down the hall, annoyance and disappointment bubbling through me. My brain had sort of been in a state of numb defense during that fight with my dad, now I was just mad and upset. I had finally met my dad and he was like that?

I had to just focus on the good points... like the ones I had thought of when I was in there. I knew what I was now, I knew what my mother was. I just have to find her and find out her version of the facts. Then I could know the truth and be content. Maybe then I could deal with the Mak situation.

"Ah, Roslyn," Malrik came around the corner the same time I did. I jumped, staring wide eyed at him. I had definitely not expected this. Nor was I in the mood to deal with him.

"Yes?" I asked curtly.

"Did something happen?" he peered down at me.

"My father is an arse," I told him, trying to walk past.

"I should have known he couldn't handle this," Malrik sighed.

"What?" I stopped, turning back towards my grandfather.

"My son tends to be harshest to those he cares about," Malrik told me, looking off down the hall.

"This is what happened to your mother."

"Well I think I'd rather hear that from her," I said, continuing to walk on.

I expected him to stop me, but he didn't. This new news had rattled my previous conviction against my father. Malrik didn't seem like he was lying, but Craven had just been impossible. I had to find my mother. Which meant that I had to get out of here. Which was a perfect chance to get rid of Mak... yes, this would work very nicely.

Name: Roslyn - Species: UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now