Name: Roslyn - Species: Unknown 9

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"So do you live near here?" Ash asked Silver. We were on our way back to the train station.

"Yup," she nodded. "In Epsom."

"We don't live far from there," Ash grinned happily. "You can come round whenever you want."

"That would be nice," Silver looked at me again.

Guardian angel huh? It was weird. She hadn't even fully admitted to being my guardian angel... she'd said 'something like that.' What was that supposed to mean? Is that why she looks so familiar? Were guardians meant to be familiar to their people?  Is she the reason all this weird stuff has been happening to me? Is she going to try to send me home? No... if that was her goal, I think she'd have done it already. I was not going back to that place.

"Well I guess I'll see you later," Silver grinned at me, then Ash.

"Definitely," Ash beamed back.

We bought our tickets, went through the barrier then split up to different platforms.

"Well that's some good luck Rose," Sean smiled at me. "Guardians are rare."

I just nodded. Sean and Patch had been pretty much silent through the film, ice cream and finally the walk to the station. I guess they'd been respecting Ash's wishes for a girl's day out. Although it's not like  they'd been invisible. Whenever they were together, Patch had an arm around Ash or was holding her and now Sean was helping carry our bags.

We didn't say much else on the way back. I was tired from all the talking and shopping. It was dark by the time we got off the train in the town. I wasn't worried though, not in the presence of three werewolves. However the forest was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. We never went out in the dark in my time, we had shifts watching the house, but no one in the actual forest.

After my ninth stumble, Sean sighed and picked me up. I started to protest but he cut me off.

"If you fall over and start bleeding it won't help any of us," he said. "It's the moon in three days and it won't take much to set us off."

"Fine," I murmured.

So Sean carried me through the black forest, all the way back to their house. Two men were waiting by the front door, slouched on the steps of the house where I'd first seen Ash. They looked bored, but I could feel their eyes on us from the second we came into view.

"I hope dad's not pissed," Sean muttered as he put me down.

"Why would he be?" I asked, a little worried.

"We stayed out late," Patch muttered.

"Did we have a dead line?" Ash asked, swaying.

"You're tired," Patch calmly pointed over his shoulder to his back.

"It was worth it," she grinned, jumping on his back.

"Even if dad docks our pocket money for being out late?" Sean laughed as we got to the house.

"Yup," Ash yawned. "Even then."

"You're back," the younger of the guys on the steps jumped up, looking not at all pleased. "We've been waiting out here for two bloody hours."

"It wasn't just our fault," Patch said calmly. "If Mitchell was really worried he would have sent you out to get us, not have you wait out here like bad puppies."

"Watch your mouth Patch," the other one stood up. "Just cuz you've got Ash on your back now doesn't mean we won't show you respect when you're alone."

"There will be no threats to anyone close to my sister," Sean stepped up, a truly terrifying look in his eyes. "She has been through enough without mongrels attempting to teach their superiors lessons."

Name: Roslyn - Species: UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now