Name: Roslyn - Species: Unknown 3

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"Ash," Sean looked at her. "You better go."

"But what if he tries to throw me out the window?" she was now hiding under the coffee table beside the couch. So far, this place has yet to bore me.

"He just wants to yell at you for bringing a stranger onto our land," he brother sighed. "You should be used to it."

"I was just helping out the first girl my age I've seen in weeks!" she wailed. "Take pity on my soul! Oh great father of mine, spare me!"

"I'll be sparing your pocket money for a year if you don't get up here in five seconds!" the deep, impatient voice yelled back.

I turned back to her, wondering what she would do, feeling guilty about causing this, but she was gone. I gaped at the place she had just been. I have never seen anyone move that fast in my life.

"If you want to get to Ash, threaten her cash flow," Patch told me, noticing my look. He had settled into an armchair. "She uses it to buy her art supplies."

"Why not just threaten her art supplies?" I asked in awe.

"Because there's no way to get to them," Sean said. "She keeps her oil paints and canvases a vault that a nuclear warhead couldn't bust and she takes the sketchbook of the moment with her at all times."

"She must really love art," I murmured.

"You have no idea," Patch laughed. "So Rose, you never told us where you're from."

"Really close to here," I said, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"The town?"


"Then where-"

His question was cut off when Ash came back into the room. She looked depressed, her shoulders slumped and her sketchbook hung loosely from her hand. Without a word, she dragged her feet up to Patch and she curled herself up in his lap. His arms went around her.

"What happened luv?" he asked gently.

"He's docking pay for a month unless I get an A in my next history test," she said in a very small, very defeated voice.

"I'm so sorry," he stroked her hair like she'd just told him her pet dog had died. I did not understand these people.

"Do you have a place to stay?" she looked at me suddenly, her depression disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"I-" I blanked for a moment, surprised by her sudden attitude switch. "Yes."

"Good," she beamed. "You can stay here."

"Ash," Patch sighed. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Now why would I want to do that?" she nuzzled his neck. "I'd miss you too much."

I had to look away. I couldn't believe that they were getting so up close and personal in the living room! Besides that, other than the twins and their father, no one else here seemed to be related. What was this place?

"Not in a public place," one of the men sitting in an armchair said, without looking up from his newspaper.

"Fine," Patch stood up, lifting Ash up bridal style in one smooth movement.

"Hey!" she protested. "I can't leave the guest alone!"

"Sean'll look after her," Patch said absently, carrying her up the stairs.

"Are they always like that?" I asked in awe.

"Yup," Sean sighed.

"I should probably go," I stood up. "Sorry for all the trouble I caused."

"Don't worry," Sean stood too. "I'll walk you home."

"Its fine," I said a little too quickly.

"Where do you live?" he pressed. "I'll at least walk you off our land in that direction."

"I'm taking the train," I said.

"Okay," he started walking towards the front door. After only a moment's hesitation, I followed.

"Wait," he stopped at the door. "Do you want to borrow one of Ash's t-shirts?"

"How do you know I don't dress like this all the time?" I crossed my arms. These people are starting to scare me... I was starting to feel uncomfortable in my uniform.

"I'm good at reading people," he laughed.

"I couldn't steal one of her shirts," I shook my head. "But thanks."

"She wouldn't mind," he reached down into a basket beside the door and after a moment, pulled out a pink t-shirt. I blinked at it, why did they have a basket of clean clothes by the front door?!

"Are you sure?" I took it timidly.

"Yup," he nodded. "There's a bathroom in there if you want."

"Thank you," I said and went into the door just down the hall that he pointed too. These people were just too nice. I wonder what they'd think if I told them what becomes of their manor in a couple dozen years.

I stripped off the trench coat and halter and pulled on the t-shirt. It fit perfectly and I felt a stab of guilt for taking this shirt from a girl who'd been so nice to me.

Still, I was grateful to not have to wear that stupid halter anymore. Sean was still waiting for me in the hallway when I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Thanks again," I said.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled and opened the front door. Then slammed it shut again.

A shot rang out, blowing a hole through the door inches from where Sean stood. I've never been in a gun fight and I was frozen. It was Sean who dashed forwards, grabbing my wrist and sprinting up the stairs three at a time.

There was movement everywhere, so many people coming out of nowhere. I saw Patch struggling to hold Ash back as a tall, broad blonde man who had to be her father, sprinted down the stairs.

"Help Patch with Ash," he barked to Sean, not changing pace as he sprinted down the stairs. "And keep the human safe!"

I must have lost time in shock because I dully heard more gunshots and vaguely remember being shoved into a room with Sean, Ash and Patch. Ash was still struggling against Patch, but her brother was helping, trying to calm her down. Then I heard the howl. It was not a human howl, it was a very loud canine howl of fury, then the shout that followed.

"Prepare to die you rank mongrels!"

Name: Roslyn - Species: UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now