Total Sole Survivor Prologue

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This is the first story I'm posting on here, I hope you enjoy it and it's a fun read for everyone who uses this app!

The air was cool, and it brought a refreshing breeze with it. Enjoying the breeze and island weather was a 22 year old male.

The boy had a large green hoodie, which covered his semi-long brown hair. Even with his spikey long brown hair he had decided to add some blonde streaks through some locks of his hair. His green hoodie had a black and white checkered C in the middle of it. He had brown eyes and a few freckles dotted on his face. He had some purple sweat pants that matched his nike blue shoes.

He was standing in a large beach area, which was right in front of a large, dense jungle. The jungle was home to a wide variety of plants and lurking animals.

"The forest, the waves, the beach. Isn't this place not so utterly sophisticated with joyous wonder," The boy stated looking out into the sea. He turned as he was now addressing the camera, "Or well not joyous wonder exactly. Nature is pretty rough and savage by..well nature. It's human nature to have these same killer we are all animals after all."

"I'm Caleb Quesly, and after years of the end of Total Drama, I'm bringing the hit reality TV competition show back . This season I like to analyze the elements of the game. What does it take to win? Do you view the game as a social experiment where everyone is a person you can interact with? Or is this just a competition where everyone else is just an obstacle to overcome. With so many competitions, so many personalities, so many different strategies, there are so many factors that go into this game. So who will come out on top? Well only time will tell in a game like this," Caleb explained as he just nodded as if impressed by his own explanation.

Caleb then heard a slight rattling coming from the jungle behind him. He could hear some groaning as something was coming.

He gulped, "Lets hope our neighboring animals are only coming to say hello and aren't expecting some lunch"

Although finally he noticed it was a girl who tumbled out of the forest.

"Oh it's a human. So it might be friendly," He stated as he motioned for the camera to follow him as he approached the girl.

"Well considering they made me travel through a jungle, you can scratch friendly off the list," The girl muttered as she had overheard Caleb.

The girl actually had a resemblance to Caleb. She had long brown hair, which had the same blonde streaks through her hair. She wore some blue sunglasses on her fore-head. She had a red/orange-ish tank top that revealed a little of her stomach, matched with some purple jeans shorts. Her outfit was accompanied by her tan flip-flops.

Caleb squinted as the girl came over, before turning back to the camera, "Ah, it seems to be my twin-sister. Michigan. Why she is here, I don't know?"

"Hey Michigan! Is that you?" Caleb called as the figure got closer.

"Who else?!" The figure called back.

"That's my sister alright. Michigan is my twin sister, my only sibling," Caleb said, turning to look at the camera, "Even dyed her hair like me. We still don't know who copied who, that's still up for debate."

Michigan trotted over to him, shoving him to get into the camera's frame, "I can do the introduction myself, brother dear. I'm Michigan! Just like the state, but I'd like to believe the state was named after me, not vise versa."

"You do know it became a state somewhere in the 1830's. You were born in 1997," Caleb pointed out to his sister.

"A girl can believe," She shrugged defiantly as she then began to pick bits of leaves off herself.

"Not when it's a fact," Caleb added.

Michigan smiled, "Really want to get into that debate again? what's fact and what's fiction."

Caleb just studied his sister, ignoring what she said. He knew she doesn't like outdoors, so there had to be a certain reason she was here. Plus it wasn't like she'd come just to give him some company.

Caleb sighed, crossing his arms.

"Why are you here?" Caleb said, dropping the warm hospitality of his hosting voice.

"Well, if you're really that curious, brother dear. I'm hosting a new show. I'm not sure why you're here though" Michigan responded as she glanced around.

"But...I'm the host. Didn't you just see me.." Caleb said trailing off."That's weird," Michigan agreed, placing a hand on her hip, "why would they bring my brother?"

"Maybe you're the co-host," Caleb suggested.

"And I'm supposed to come out here to settle for Co-host. The contestants won't even respect me," Michigan pouted. Caleb thought what else this could mean.

"So I'm guessing it's a partnership," Caleb muttered sighing, "I really wanted this job."

"Hey I wanted the job too. Well not really, but they invited me to do it. Can't say no to Reality TV. Look, we can just settle this the same way we settle our birthday parties. First to-" Michigan began, but Caleb interrupted her.

"Lets not. I can talk with the producers and figure it out," Caleb assured her.

Michigan just nodded, before turning to look out at the sea. "So Cale, when are the contestants coming? I hope they're hot" Michigan said as she looked at her brother.

"Probably are hot. I mean lets be honest, that's why some people watch these shows. Just to see the hot cast." Caleb shrugged.

"Woah, don't have to call people like me out like that, bro. We can just appreciate some eye-candy, that's all," Michigan joked putting her hands up in mock defensively, "Why else would you watch it?"

"For the strategy. The blindsides. Watching how different personalities interact and mingle with each other," Caleb answered

"There is strategy involved in this thing?" Michigan blinked.

"Your something else, Mich. And I'm not sure if it's even human. Yes there is strategy, if it was random then it wouldn't make sense," Caleb smiled while he rolled his eyes at his sister, "About the contestants. Ya, um, we don't have all the applications...yet.."

Michigan blinked, "What?! Then why are you doing all..this hosting theatrics"

"Practice makes perfect, and I'm practically nailing the hosting gig with practice. Also cause I need to do this," Caleb covered her mouth as he finally turned back to the camera.

He gave an awkward smile, "Family reunions never stop being intriguing events, do they? Anyways as you can see, applications are still open. That means you can still apply for the next slot! Battling against the elements, battling in the competitions, battling against 15 other competitors. With 15 other people may hold your best friend, your romantic interest, your greatest adversary, and of course one of them could even be the future winner. Who will win? Only time will tell..."

He looked at his sister, "So?"

"You actually nailed it," Michigan clapped.

"Thought so," Caleb stated, "That wasn't sarcasm?"

"Are your standards that low for me being a supportive sister?" Michigan raised her eyebrow.

"Fair enough," Caleb smiled as he trotted away. He brought out his phone to call the producers.

Michigan waited till her brother was completely gone. She then looked at the camera, "Okay my turn for this hosting thing...So I am in need of some company, other than my brother of course. Haven't seen my brother in a while, and unlike most twins, we're not the closet. My brother is well..over-the-top and he's..calculated? I guess that's the best way to describe him. Of course you need me to balance him. So do join! I feel like the best part of coming out here is the relationships you make! Plus I'm kinda lonely. Kinda bored. Kinda single as well. So don't waste any time, K bye!"

Thanks so much for reading!

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