TSS Ep 2Part 3"So I may not be built to run, but I was built to run this game!"

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Hello, you're having a nice day! Sorry, this took so long to come out school got in the way. Hopefully, I can post more regularly from now on.

Here's the third part! It's a bit long, but it has a lot of key character moments in it as well as the second elimination.

Enjoy reading 👉📙👈

Episode 2 Part 3 "So I may not be built to run, but I was built to run this game!"

Soon both teams had gathered for the challenge which was near a cave. The cave was large which could be deducted from its huge opening.

"Welcome to the challenge! Should we get to it!" Caleb exclaimed as he came out dressed in a more outdoorsy outfit.

"Nice outfit, Caleb, I see you're a man of good taste," Serenna complimented.

"Thank you Serenna, your hair also is looking good today," Caleb said as he gestured to it.

"Oohh, the host noticed," Serenna smiled as she flaunted her hair.

"We all noticed," Balaam muttered blankly.

"And we all noticed your attitude too, boo," Serenna remarked in response giving him the side eye. "It isn't a good look."

"Glad you noticed, I try to make it apparent," Balaam just smirked.

"Can we not right now guys? If we're gonna have a team argument at least wait for the challenge to start," Howie said as he facepalmed.

"Ha! The other team can't get along!" Gabe snickered, and he high fived Ryder.

"We get along just fine, thank you," Esme protested, backing up her team.

"Anyways! Let's get to the challenge! So remember your new team names, the Sophisticated Salamanders and the Ambitious Alligators? Well we decided that will be cooperated into the next part of the challenge. You see inside this cave, we released the animals you guys chose to represent your team inside," Caleb explained. "Your challenge is to find and capture your respective team animal and bring them back here. The first team to reach back here with their animal wins! There will be decoy animals though by the way, so be careful. Any questions?"

"You expect us to catch an alligator?" Howie asked, looking concerned.

"And all they just have to catch is a salamander? How is this fair?!" Ingrid added on.

"Ha! The other team has to find an alligator!" Gabe then exclaimed as he then high fived Stefan this time.

"Well to be fair, you guys did pick the team name," Caleb began.

To that everyone on the Ambitious Alligators turned to stare at Esme for suggesting they use alligator as a name.

Esme smiled embarrassedly and awkwardly chuckled, "you live and you learn, my bad?"

"Plus an alligator may be harder to capture, but it should be a lot easier to find. Salamanders are small, so it could hide under rocks or other things in the environment," Caleb reminded them with a nod.

"Okay that sounds fair enough..." Howie said as he then turned to stare at the entrance of the cave.

"Both teams get flashlights as well," Caleb said as he gestured to a box of flashlights near the entrance of the cave. "And you'll know it's your animal if you see your team color on it. Yellow for the Alligator. Orange for the Salamander."

"Got it!" Everyone confirmed, as everyone walked up to get a flashlight.

"Ready! Set! Go!" Caleb announced, and both teams sprinted off into the cave.

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