iii. Dragon Army

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━━ chapter threedragon army

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━━ chapter three
dragon army

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SHE has seen many forest fires in her short life so far. Valkyrie could tell the difference between one started by a dragon flame, human hands or a storm against dry land. But what told her that this was something to worry about, was Zephyr's nervous flight as the group of them soared past bright orange trees into the depths of a dark, barren land thick with smoke; fresh and spiking heat to her skin. Valkyrie pushed through the need to cough ash from her lungs to peer at the fallen trees and glowing embers on blackened grass.

She and Zephyr followed Hiccup and Toothless━weaving in and out, up and over, around ashen cliffs and under jagged branches about to fall. Her eyes fixed on the red tail, something bright━stark against the burnt land.

A little nervous, Valkyrie's fingers slipped up to the brooch keeping her coat clasped together━she always wore it, even if there was nothing to clasp. It was a gift given━symbolic of her marriage that Hiccup made for her, given to her after the ceremony. She traced the outline of Zephyr touching noses with Toothless, immediately feeling a lot better despite the heavy air settled around them.

As if sensing her distress, Hiccup glanced back and they locked a quick gaze. He had no idea what this was, either, but he knew━just like her━that it wasn't just an average forest fire.

Together, they surged onwards in between the cliffs and mountain pass towards a blanket of clouds. Valkyrie could smell sea water amongst the ash behind her━the sudden cool blast of the ocean reaching her arms even under her furs. Mountains peaked out of the omnious mist, but Valkyrie paid little attention to the beach cove's beauty.

Instead, she gasped and pulled Zephyr up to a sudden halt, eyes wide at the sight right before her.

Hiccup hovered in beside her, cheeks pale in shock━neither had seen anything of the sort before them.

As if some monster lurked beneath the waters, a tip of a jagged iceberg shot out from the dephts. It shuddered and creaked, ice moving and breaking amongst large splinters of wood━masts, catapults, all captured in a frozen explosion that sent chills down Valkyrie's spine ... and not from the immense cold it seemed to pulse, like heat out of dragon fire.

"What in the name of Thor...?" Valkyrie's words were hitched and hoarse in her horror, stuck in the back of her throat. Her grip on Zephyr's saddle tightened and he squawked, wings beating with more urgency than they had before━he seemed to recognise this structure, and wanted to be far away from it. Valkyrie felt bad to keep him rooted, but they needed to check this out. Those wooden spikes━this ice had attacked something ... there could be people still trapped inside.

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