First impressions 1.

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*Alyx point of view*

I rolled my neck as I made my way through the hallway. I turned and knocked on the director's door. "Come in" I heard the director say. I opened the door and walked in. I saluted and stared at the wall.

"General," I said not moving out of my saluting position.

"Soldier, Levy. At ease" He said. I dropped my hand down quickly and stood formally.

"As, you know this is General Buck. He's here to take you to the uh..." Director Patterson said trailing off. I glanced at him. He rolled his eyes and looked at General Buck. " What was it again?" he asked with a sigh.

"Space force," General Buck said. Director Patterson stared at him for a moment then nodded. "We've been looking at Levy's record's and we think she is a great suiter for our new space project," He said.

"Un-huh. Just... Take her." Director Patterson said. General Buck smiled and nodded. He looked at me. I glanced down at his hands. He had an army hat in them and was spinning it in circles slowly while gripping it. I looked back up at his face. A single drop of sweat dripped from his head. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly.

"Everything okay, general?" I asked. He made eye contact with me.

"Of course. Why do you ask?" He asked. He seemed hesitant.

"Oh, ignore her," Director said cutting me off. I looked over at him.

"Pardon?" General Buck said.

"Psychology major. Thinks someone sweating in Nevada is a sign of distress" Director said reading a paper and smirking. I licked the inside of my mouth in annoyance.

" Oh, okay. Let's get going shall we?" General said turning to me and smiling. I nodded. He nodded back and made his way out the door. I turned and followed him.

"Not much stuff hmm?" General Buck said. I glanced over at him.

"No," I answered blandly as I glanced at my one bag in the backseat of the vehicle.

I looked around at the long road we were on. The trees passing by were just green blurs amongst everything else. I looked forward again and noticed a white circular building. I leaned forward to get a better look.

"Like what you see?" General asked. I looked over at him. He was smirking. "Tony Stark helped fund it. I presume he just got annoyed after my team asked for years" He said. I glanced at him.

" How long is this going to take?" I asked giving him my full attention. He looked back and forth between the road and I.

"Well..." he said stuttering slightly. " It depends... How old are you?" He asked.

"25" I answered quickly. He nodded. I noticed his Adam's apple move up and down. He swallowed. I sighed and sat back in the seat.

I watched as the white circular building enlargened as we neared closer to it. There weren't many cars in the parking lot. General Buck parked the car and unbuckled his seat belt. I did the same and grabbed my bag.

"Fair warning... It's pretty cold inside." He said as we walked side by side. I looked at him.

I just hummed in acknowledgment.

*5 months later*

"Okay, Alyx. You are going to feel slight pain when the serum enters you okay?" A man said over the comms. He had a Russian accent. I nodded. I looked around at the zero-g room they had me in. "Once the serum enters your system we're turning off the gravity so don't be alarmed," He said. I looked at the robotic arm positioning a syringe with a blue liquid in it over my arm. I nodded.

"This is just to physically prepare me for space right?" I asked looking at the one-way mirror. They hesitated. I am wearing a gray shirt which is tucked into my army pants with a brown belt. I looked down at my feet. They were bare.

"yes," They answered interrupting my thoughts. I sighed.

I felt something stick me. I looked over. The robotic arm had stuck the syringe in my arm. I felt another sting my other arm. I groaned. Another syringe had entered my arm. They both pushed the serum into my body at the same time. They quickly exited the room as the gravity turned off. I breathed in heavily. My arms started to burn. I flexed my muscles and clenched my jaw.

It felt like fire was making its way through my veins. I let out a small painful yelp as the pain reached my neck. Alarms blared. The white light turned to red. I tried to look around. The zero-g made it hard to move and the pain just added to it.

I dropped to the ground as the gravity turned on. I groaned as my head hit the ground. Everything started to blur. I let out a grunt as I felt people push me to the side. The red slowly faded to black as my eyes shut.

My eyes shot open. I gasped and jolted awake. I looked around. I was in a room. I could hear alarms in the distance and yelling. There was a dark red light flashing slowly in the room. I looked around. There was a bed and a door. That's it. I looked at the door. I walked toward it. I put my hand on it. I could feel the vibrations of feet stomping. I breathed in slowly trying to calm my panic. I slowly backed up. I felt my calves tingle. I put my hand on the wall behind me. I stared at the door.

It was a metal door. Had to be at least 4 inches thick. I used leverage from the wall to run at the door. I closed my eyes as my shoulder hit the metal. I opened my eyes as the alarms got louder. I looked around. The door had crumbled and flew against a wall across from the room I was in.

"Hey!" I heard someone shout. I turned. There was a soldier running at me. I turned and ran in the other direction. I ran down the long hallway. Red lights surrounded me. A man appeared out of a corner. I used my leverage to jump onto the wall. I turned and shoved my knee into the man's face. I landed and continued running down the hallway.

I realized how fast I was running and before I could stop I ran through another wall. I slid on the ground. I stared down at my bare feet. I heard clattering. I looked up.

There was a blonde woman standing there. She had on a black suit of some kind. She had a gun in her hand and was staring at me.

*Yelena point of view*

I stared at the tall brunette woman who had just burst through the wall beside me. My eyes slowly trailed down her body. You could see her muscles through the tight grey shirt she had on. I could tell she had been sweating a lot. I looked at her right bicep. There was a large scar trailing around it. I looked back up at her face.

Her brunette hair was up in a tiny bun. I blinked as we made eyecontact. I turned and pointed my gun at her. She immediately reacted. She turned and ran to the right. I ran after her.  I heard another crash. I turned the corner. There was a hole in the ground. I waved the dust away from my face and looked down into the hole. She was already half away across the field she had dropped into. I stared at her as she ran.

*Alyx point of view*

I breathed in heavily as I leaned over with my hands pressed against my knees. I stood up and put my hands above my head. I looked around. I definitely wasn't in Nevada anymore. What just happened? Did that woman try to shoot me? What was she wearing? Definitely not something military-grade. Or anything military. That gun it... It looked Russian. I didn't get the best look but I could definitely tell the manufacturing state. I looked at the long dirt road I had seen all those months ago. I sighed and started walking along it.

Scars // Yelena Belova x Fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now