
1K 7 1

grumble. grumble.



I'm hungry man I think I'm going to die.

what if I starve to death.


what the fuck.


Mickey's stomach keeps growling and it's four-fucking-am. Mickey gets up and throws the covers off himself and let's his feet touch the cold floor. "goddamn, cold ass floor". He walks carefully trying to not wake up Ian.


what the fuck.

Mickey walks into the hallways and down the stairs to the kitchen. Mickey opens the fridge and try's to think if what he should eat. He sits on the counter thinking before he grabs a few pieces of toast and popping them in a toaster.

He intensely stares at the toaster waiting for it to pop, he's very tired. he wonders how the toaster actually toasts the bread, like- like how?

He is interrupted by arms wrapping around his waist. He flinched so hard that he felt like he had a heart attack. Haven't had my heart drop so badly since a couple years ago. He soon recognized the arms that belonged to his lover. "why did you surprise me like that, you know it scares me" Mickey says blowing out a relief breath.

"sorry mick" Ian says quietly.

The toast comes flying out of the toaster and landing back into the slots. Mickey carefully take them out of toaster and try's to figure out what he should put on them. Considering the fact that he was just staring at the toaster, he didn't quite think of what he should put on it.

"Mickey?" Ian says into his neck. Mickey hums in response. "are you seriously debating on what to put on your toast , man?" Mickey laughs "yeah".

Ian detaches his arms on Mickey's waist and grabs the peanut butter from the shelf. "there, I decide for you" he smiles and sits down at the table. Mickey spreads the peanut butter on his toast and brings the plate to the table and sits down.

Mickey takes a bite. "god I'm hungry". He finishes his first piece in record time before looking up at ian who is staring at him. "uh? what's wrong?" Ian flashes a small smile "oh nothing, just feeling a little bit hungry now". Mickey looks up at ian before picking up his piece of toast and guiding it towards Ian's mouth. Ian opens his mouth taking a big bite out of it, little bit of peanut butter got on his face. Mickey smiles before taking his thumb and whipping off the peanut butter. Ian looks at Mickey and smiles. Mickey looks up and him and tries to hide his smile. "You know that toast is pretty good I gotta say" Ian says. Mickey holds to toast before putting it i front if Ian "you want the rest then?". Ian nods and takes it.

"You never complained about me wrapping my arms around your waist" Ian says laughing. Mickey looks up "lil bit sleepy" he smiles putting his head in his hands.

Tiredness took the best of him and his arms soon loosened and his head was now on the table snoring.

Ian laughs before poking at him to get up. no response. "dude are you dead?" Ian hysterically laughs at himself.

Ian laughs and picks up Mickey. He walks up the stairs and into his room laying Mickey down on his bed. "night mickey" Ian smiles and leaves the room.

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